Yamashita Kiyoshi Exhibition

山下清展、裸の大将、Yamashita Kiyoshi, art of peculiar talent, 福岡県立美術館、病と才能、ジャパノグラフィー、バイリンガルブログ、バイリンガル

Visited Yamashita Kiyoshi exhibition celebrating 100 years anniversary. Yamashita is one of the most famous artists in Japan. He was a vagabond and wandered all across Japan seeking for freedom. Sometimes as a homeless, at times worked in a shop with board and lodging. Captured magnificent sights during those wander and sublimated into collage art. His life path was so captivating that it became drama series and made a mega hit. Almost all Japanese over 40 know about him.


“I’m from Asakusa, Tokyo. Dad and mom died because of sickness. Mom told me before passing away, I must go work somewhere, there is no food in Tokyo, so she said go to countryside and work, if I get hungry ask for a stranger to give me a rice ball.” is the white lie that he was actually telling, the lovable line often used in the drama. Actually, Yamashita’s mother lived long after he passed away. He chose rice shop, fish shop, bento packed lunch shop, soba noodle diner, to work for that all those places had food to eat.

「僕は東京市の浅草から来ました お父さんもお母さんも病気で死んでしまって お母さんが死ぬ前 清はよそへ行って使ってもらえ 東京は食べるものがないので 田舎で使ってもらえ 腹がへったら よその家でむすびを貰って食べろと言って居ました」の口上は実際彼が使っていた方便で、それは愛すべき台詞としてドラマではよく使われた。因みに清のお母さんは、清よりもずっと長生きをしたそうだ。住み込みして働く所も、米屋、魚屋、弁当屋、蕎麦屋、と食べ物があるところばかりを選んでいた。

In the exhibition, I was able to appreciate old collage works that he made in Yawata Gakuen that was mentally retarded children’s boarding school, and childhood drawings taking good time.


He doesn’t highlight objects, but depicts things evenly in the whole space. Examining one by one, you can see that he had a photographic memory. He was immersed in reconstructing sights that remained in his mind rather than emphasizing objects that captured his heart.


The working of repeating meticulously in detail is the product of undramatic plain revolving like inhaling and exhaling, rather than boiling passion such as the love of picture, the love of expression, that strenuous patience counts. Such passion could increase or decrease inevitably, however, Yamashita’s talent was something more peculiar.


Envy and jealousy toward talent is the same old and new. To Yamashita, famous critic Kobayashi Hideo left very harsh comments. But flipping over the reaction, Yamashita was emitting and leaking extraordinary talent unconsciously that reason and logic and effort can never compete. Jealousy from the elitism is so ugly.


What is the most pitiful is that the late years of his works describing famous places of Europe directed by a famous doctoral scholar are lacking in luminous sparkles that he used to be cutting and pasting color papers innocently. They are as if demanded for severely high standard to follow obediently: scarce in flare and too picturesque.


Calculated effects, or achieving the seemingly correct answer after counting backwards gave negative effects. Became powerless in the dynamism of touching our heart strings personally. The greatest common divisor, or the maximum of data, or AI induces something perfect yet extremely boring. It averages and evens oddness of each of our peculiarity; the wriggling, the breathing, the anxiety, or the vigorous force of exploding.


We give a crown of talent for someone who grabs our soul straight by hand, or one who reaches out overflowing water spring deep underground. While Yamashita’s talent was inhabiting somewhere different. It seemed it was lushing and rushing through in a shallow stream with tremendous richness. It’s evident that talent and handicap are intertwining. Two become one like a twist paper.


Love and Peace


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