A proverb says, “Sky is high and a horse is fat in autumn.” We visited SAGA International Balloon Festa that was held first time in 3 years. This is the biggest balloon festa that prides the largest numbers of competition balloon entry in both Japan and Asia.
On the final day of November 6th, the competition balloons were scheduled to launch at 7 in the morning. And the parking space was opened at 3 am, so we left home at 1. Slept 3 hours at night and woke up, and had a banana and off we went. It was so dark out side. Drove up winding mountain road, came across a wild boar on the way, and went over a bit eerie mountain peak, and overlooked Saga city center from the toll road. The night view was twinkling.
Managed to arrive at the venue, and had a short nap. There comes more than 1,000 cars one after another to the Kise river plain set up parking. The charge was only 1,000 yen for environment preparation corporation fee. Other than than that, no need to pay for viewing balloons. Set alarm clock at 6 am and got up rubbing my sleepy eyes. The sky is getting white and bright. The yellowish sunlight is reflecting upon the cloudless sky. And we left the car and brisk walked to the venue.

It was early in the morning, but more than 10,000 people were there. Then went into the balloon field.

The dawn is making the sky awesome, and balloons were getting up one by one by blown in fire. The place is filled with excitement as if in a circus!

Waving hands to people seeing off, they fly away one by one.

To fly in the big sky had long been a dream of mankind. And I was wondering what it is like to fly up in a balloon in the sunny and crisp morning.

Almost no wind and chilly, and to the serene sunny sky dozens of balloons fly up high. I don’t know anything about competition balloon rules, but it was a miraculous thing that I was able to witness the balloons flying up in the vast Saga Plain. Balloons are hugely effected by weather conditions, they can’t fly if it’s rainy or windy. And it is often cancelled at the last moment.
Standing in the flat land of Saga, and watching balloons go up one after another was a completely peaceful experience, full of excitement and enthusiasm. It was as if in the different world cut out from the dark and gloomy pathetic issues. I was thinking there still exists some hope in the world and we can let them fly to the sky. I want to believe it so.
Love and Peace!
Wikipedia 佐賀インターナショナルバルーンフェスタ(2022.11.7. アクセス)