Went to a concert of Akiko Yamamoto, who is a talented pianist and my dear friend. Akiko lives in Paris and she shared that she was suffering from the massive jet lag, yet her performance was filled with amazement and awe. Like shuffling cards of infinite numbers or serving various kinds of stunning cuisines, she cooked each recipe with all different texture, temperature, and taste. This time again, I was soaked and received sound particles to the fullest and appreciated the precious time that never repeats.
While immersed in her music world, I was contemplating the process of a pianist who expresses own art matures and the mastery technique of translation. Observing fingers of Akiko playing on the keyboards like a creature of one of a kind, I was so mystified. Her whole body was expressing ecstasy, suffering, or giving a relief to something. When Akiko playing reading or not reading music score, I wonder what landscape she is seeing in her inner cosmos that ceaselessly transforms one second to the next.
At a time of salon concert, Akiko explains background of each music piece, the time and the composer’s life story. That is so helpful to set off imagination. She said please compare and appreciate 5 sonatas of Scarlatti (1685-1757), and played along. It was as if served with 5 different kinds of lovely hors-d’oeuvre and had tasting. They were as if like a spring afternoon just after slumbering, or a lonesome path walking in late autumn seeing leaves falling, or an adventure story that all sorts of challenges and difficulties smashing you one after another.
サロンコンサートの時は、曲の合間に亜希子さんが作品や作曲家の背景を話されるのも、その曲を知らない者には、想像の糸口になる。スカルラッティ (1685-1757) の5つのソナタの聴き比べをして下さい、とまるで五種類の見目麗しいオードブルを差し出されて、食べ比べをしたかの様な楽しさは、格別だった。午睡から目覚めた春の昼過ぎの様であったり、秋が深まり木枯らしが吹く様な寂しさであったり、次々と現れる困難を切り抜けてゆく冒険小説の様であったり。
‘Alborada del gracioso (The Jester’s Aubade), the fourth of piano suite Miroirs’ composed by Ravel (1875-1937), I listened to it for the first time. It was so peculiar yet garmented with slight solitude. The clown was standing on a ball or walking on a rope or juggling with comical expression. Seemingly helter-skelter, but on the back his mind is calculating things with astonishingly speedy, yet having an icy glance. The agony of being too intelligent, and the lonesomeness of not allowed to take off the mask of the clown. It was the world of Akiko that translated Ravel.
ラヴェル (1875-1937) の組曲『鏡』より第四曲『道化師の朝の歌』は初めて聴いて、その珍奇ながらも一抹の孤独が現れた世界に惹き込まれて行った。ピエロがおどけた顔をして玉乗りをして、綱渡りをして、ジャグリングをして、ひっちゃかめっちゃかに芸を繰り出しているように見せかけて、その背後ではグルグルと高速回転で計算を働かせているような、その醒めた伶俐さと知性があり過ぎる故の苦しみが透けて見えた。けれどピエロの仮面を脱ぐことは出来ない寂しさ。それが、亜希子さんの翻訳したラヴェルの世界観だった。
This piece interested me, so I listened and compered with other pianists playing ‘The Jester’s Aubade’ on YouTube. And realized that this piece requires not only the accuracy of reading score but the mastery of translation as a pianist and life experience. Young pianists performance were too naive and pure, and unable to fully comprehend the complicated and intricate inside of the clown. One must go through various incidents, pile up numerous experiences, and gulp up all matters; both positive and negative and injustice and unforgiving anger and torturous tears. Akiko gave birth and raising children and she sublimated all factors into her art. That was all represented, and she was holding with affection.
この曲に興味を持ったので、YouTube で他の演奏家たちが弾いている『道化師の朝の歌』を聴いてみた。そしてこの曲は、楽譜を正確に読むだけでは表現しきれない、ピアニストとしての技量と翻訳力と人生経験が問われるものだと思った。まだ若い瑞々しい年頃のピアニスト達の演奏では、素直さが前面に出過ぎていて、この道化師の心の複雑なヒダが捉えきれていない様な感じがした。場数を踏んで、経験を積み、良いことも、悪いことも、不条理も、赦せない思いも、苦しみの涙も、そして子供を産み育て、色んな事柄を消化させて自分の芸の肥やしにして来たからこそ、表現できるものがあるのだ、と。そして包み込む様にそっと抱きしめる。
And Chopin (1810-1856) ‘Sonata No 3 op 58’ overwhelmed the audience with fierce intensity, roaming massiveness, burning emotions, thundering and lightening, felt I was even splashed with bloody reflection. My image of Chopin was the one who sublimated love of impossible into masterpiece with delicate sophistication, therefore, I was marveled with this masculinity. According to Akiko in the after party, Chopin was more of a piano teacher rather than a concert pianist. He was mainly teaching piano to children of aristocrat families. And he wrote many pieces for the pupils to practice. This was somehow encouraging, since I’ve been teaching English for decades.
そして、ショパン (1810-1856) の『ソナタ第3番作品58』は、激しさ、猛り狂う轟音、情念の唸り、雷鳴、返り血を浴びたような獰猛さに仰天した。ショパンは叶い得ない愛の苦しみを音楽へと昇華させた作曲家というイメージが強かったので、この男性性の色濃い曲には驚いた。コンサートの後の食事会で亜希子さんから教わったところによると、ショパンはコンサートピアニストというよりも、ピアノの先生を主な仕事とし、貴族などの裕福な家庭の子女に教えていたそうだ。そしてその生徒達の練習用に何篇も曲を書下ろしていたらしい。これには、私も英語の先生が長いので妙に励まされる。
Akiko is the person of classical music. She dedicated herself with vast amount of time since very small for the sake of art of music, challenging the deed with genuine honesty, and climbing the steep mountain. Not just as the performer of classical music, yet the skillfulness of representing the art. I also desire to make something classical, and creating Japanography from scratch. I’m yearning to be recognized in Paris in the future. Hence, I was deeply and warmly encouraged by Akiko’s piano once again.
I wrote another article about Akiko Yamamoto./ 山本亜希子さんについて書いた記事はこちらもあります。
Missing the Piano Night