Shine Muscat had a bumper crop this year and we went to Mitsukoshi department store KIHACHI cafe in Tenjin Fukuoka to taste the Muscat Parfait. Inside of the cafe was a luxurious space where you can savor art, sweets, and architecture interior. Digging in the parfait a bite by a bite, and looking around the space, then the joy of staying at 21st century state of the art cafe is bubbling up.

3 kinds of grapes, white chocolate, whipped cream, vanilla ice cream with much vanilla beans, KIHACHI cookie crumbs, custard cream, home made raspberry sauce, Gelee of Muscat are layered. Each bite, I couldn’t refrain myself from saying “What? It’s soooo gooood!”. Such a joyful surprise.

You can peep in the kitchen where parfait is made. Seeing beautiful things make your heart rich. It’s so cool.

Looking up above.

Huge picture on the wall. Vietnamese + French style fusion Chinoiserie color tones and the composition is recalling sweet sentiment.

The mixture of light and shade is the expression of the time only.

Time has passed a little.

Left the cafe and went to a watch shop to receive a watch after repair. The watch is a keepsake from father. When parents got married in 1974, mother presented father SEIKO twin quartz watch. SEIKO succeeded in merchandising quartz watch first time in the world in 1969. SEIKO watch was very valuable in those days in Japan. This 1974 model deep blue watch was worn on father’s left wrist ever since except for bath time and sleep.
カフェを辞して、修理に出していた時計を取りに行った。その時計とは父の形見であり、1974年に両親が結婚した時に、母が父に贈ったSEIKO のツインクオーツ。1969年に世界で初めてクオーツ式腕時計を商品化したSEIKOの腕時計は、当時の日本では非常に高価なものだった。この深い青をした1974年モデルを、父はお風呂と寝る時以外はいつも肌身離さず、左手首に付けていたことを思い出す。
*1974年のSEIKO ツインクオーツカタログより
38QTC 134 セイコークオーツ

Changed the band to blue leather, exchanged a battery, and had overhauled; decomposed and cleansed and oiled. Father is revitalized, “Dad, welcome back!”
This color, the blue of deep ocean represents intelligence, I heard. My favorite color is blue and so was father. The scars of the glass is the proof of father’s life path. I even treasure the bruises. Nearly half a century has passed since this twin quartz watch was born. And it was reborn and keeps clicking the time from now on.
Lately, I learned that quartz watch or antique watch that clicks time is getting popular among younger generations. It can be said to cameras as well, from smart phone easy camera to Japanese disposable camera, film camera, digital camera, and instant camera, the popularity is coming back. Some sort of nostalgic taste is becoming fashionable.
Fusion of digital and analog, fusion of the past and the present, taking in something old into new style is revalued and it’s a welcoming trend. And the mixture and the prescription of the balance is the sense of your own.

Walked around Tenjin and cut out the sights that looked interesting.

Small scrambled junction.

A young guy was singing on the street, we stopped by and listened to a few songs. I also want to absorb new ideas from young and free expressions.

This is a sketch of me drawn by niece. You can’t believe I’m 46! Ha. I wish I age like this. Keeping little girl’s spirit forever.
Love and Peace!