棟方志功、棟方志功展、世界のムナカタ、東京国立近代美術館、Munakata, art creation, ジャパノグラフィー、バイリンガルブログ、Japanese art, 芸術を作る


In Ancient Greek, “look” was the most highly ranked verb among all human activities, I once read so. Look, see, watch, glance, stare, observe, or peep, they are all in the same category in this context. Look through things as they are, purely and simply. It isn’t required any conscious efforts, therefore it is the supreme luxurious act.

古代ギリシア語では、「見る」という動詞が人間の持つ営みの中で最も高い位にある動詞だった、いうことを読んだことがある。見るは見るでも、観る、視る、診る、と日本語にも色々表現はあるけれど。英語だとlook, see, watch, glance, stare, observe, peep, ともっと多くなる。純粋にただそこにあるものをじっと見つめるということは、努力なるものを一切要しない、贅沢の極致だ。


I was recalling such things when visiting MUNAKATA Shiko’s art exhibition. MUNAKATA (1903~1975) started his career form painting, and moved on to woodblock printing, later he was recognized as “MUNAKATA of the world”

そして、そんなことを思い出した棟方志功展である。棟方志功(1903~1975) は絵画から出発し、やがて版画表現に移り、そして世界に認められ「世界のムナカタ」になって行った。

MUNAKATA Wikipedia



According to the catalogue I bought, it was introduced his words “I’ll be Van Gogh.”, and relations with Art and Crafts Movement. But putting aside such knowledge, I was able to witness his passionate breathing, looking closely. It was climax of extravagance, in a sense.



Confronting with art work in an exhibition, focusing on the work and observe in detail, then a big sigh leaks out. And purchase a catalogue wishing to bring back home the excitement. However, I always reach out the same conclusion that catalogue is capturing only 10% of pure energy that art piece is emitting.


It’s worthwhile to have those catalogues for reference, and art books are my treasure. Even though, one and only genuine work that artist creates with heart and soul is impossible to carry around after processing. By the very reason, to go visit the place actually and see through works with your own eyes turns to be one of a kind pure experience.



MUNAKATA left many works themed Buddhism, and Christianity some. And many works represented prayer for world peace. The act of seeking for religious teaching or faith is not necessarily noble. But to pray and to live life practicing prayers is genuine. That time art is empowered and light of life shines through. It is the universal rule that is penetrating the world. I was thinking and walking in the venue.



And here comes breast. Breast is eternal motif for artists throughout the history, regardless time and place. MUNAKATA is no exception. Breast is beautiful and graceful more than anything, as a woman I also think so. Psychiatrist DOI Takeo analyzed as “longing for breast” in ‘The Anatomy of Dependence’, but even if not knowing such analysis, we all know the mystery of breast by nature.



Breast is the spring of creation, not destruction. Anyone knows that. And that’s one of the reasons we love and cherish breast, it is programmed in our genes.





Each one of us completes making art of own by taking whole life. D.T. Suzuki wrote so, and it is our given and gifted mission not giving up oneself despite all challenges and setbacks. I was repeatedly thinking so, again this time.


Love and Peace…


『図録 生誕120年棟方志功展 ミイキング・オブ・ムナカタ』発行NHK、 NHKプロモーション、2023年

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