Artistic Autumn, the sky is high and the air is crisp. Colored leaves of yellow and red of gingko and maple trees are exquisite. The heat of summer is gone, and thinking this or that while stepping on fallen leaves. Here comes the best season for art appreciation. Meanwhile, I visited Mintpedia exhibition held at Kyushu Sangyo University museum. Mintdesigns is designer unit of Katsui Hokuto and Yagi Nao, studied together in London.

I belong to graduate school of art university, and studying art day after day, and came to be interested in fashion education as well. Fashion is the art of self expression, and I appreciated each item of something lovely and enchanting or eccentric and odd.

Mintpedia of Mintdesigns are filled with joy and excitement of handcraft. In a movie Yagi is proposing ‘happy mistake’ that arrives unexpectedly when creating things. Rather than fixing rigid goal at first straight forwardly, but making trial and error making detours and such, then make a mistake called ‘happy mistake’. The ‘happy mistake’ is not calculated therefore genuinely interesting. You can relate to it.
手仕事が発する「ワクワク感」が詰まったミントデザインズ大百科。八木が ‘happy mistake’ と呼んでいる、物作りの最中で訪れる予期せぬミスの話をする映像が流れていた。ぎっちり最初から方向性を決めて、そこに一直線に向かってゆくのではなく、寄り道したり試行錯誤している中でふと見えて来る、計算じゃないところから生まれる幸福なミスの面白さの話は、共感できるものが多い。

Model patterns of silkscreen.

Silkscreen printed dresses, take a good look at each piece. I was very serious if actually buying, which one would I choose? What I like and what looks good on me are different, I was thinking hard. And designers must have spring of ideas that never dries up.

And went up to 3rd floor atelier like a secret fortress.

Jumbo sized famous statue replicas were there. Crazy big face of David I liked and took a photo together. King David in the Old Testament, David is a warrior who beaten up giant Goliath 3 times bigger than him with a stone and wisdom.

Graduation works of honor students were exhibited directed by Mintdesigns education program. Behind-the-scenes creation file notebooks were displayed and I was able to flip through each page.

You can overlook the whole process from brain storming ideas, attracting keywords, research, analysis, association work, and comments from lecturers. Making trial and error and sewing various patterns. Even receiving “not intriguing, too well mannered” comment on the way.

Pictures taken by themselves or from the internet were printed and pasted to notebooks, then dig in deeper and deeper, visualize and verbalize to make concrete image, then create a piece of work. It is the process of creation mingling with joy and suffering, the footsteps of each unique path.

Reaching out one and only creation circuit, leveling there, and becoming able to go and get back freely is the most bonebreaking cultivation process. Plowing and drawing water, planting seeds, weeding unnecessaries, and harvesting crops of fruit from the field. If you are able to make up the fertile farmland that you can carry around to anywhere, it will be lifetime fortune that no one can steal. Deeply touched by the pure energy of the students.
Love and Peace!