When I opened YouTube, there was an audiobook of ‘MINIMALISM The Japanese Art of Declutter to Organize Your Home Life’. So listened to it while dusting the rooms in the relaxing weekend afternoon. It is viewed 27,000 times and a bit stunned that anything Japanese can be a cool and edgy trend combining with Zen and something posh and sophisticated.
YouTube を開いたら、 ‘MINIMALISM The Japanese Art of Declutter to Organize Your Home Life’ という、日本で流行の断捨離について取り上げた英語のオーディオブックが紹介されていた。週末ののんびりした時間だったので、家中の埃取りをしながら聞いてみた。二万七千回再生されているということで、日本発の文化なら、Zenと結びつけて断捨離さえもどこかしら素敵でお洒落で感度の高い行為になるのか、と少し驚いている。

It was listed up numerous decluttering advice and I gave it a thought, Yes or No. And added up some more lists.
*No books, choose Kindel / No way! I love books!
Books are my treasure, my mental food.
*Go to a library/ Yes
図書館へ行く/ あり
*Eat economically/ Yes
Go less grocery shopping and buy a lot at once.
経済的な食生活をする/ あり
*Eat clean, cook nutritiously/ Of course, yes
*Not eating out/ YES, I do eat out!
I am a big foodie, eating out is my big entertainment!
外食はしない/ 絶対嫌だ!外食、する!
*Walk not drive, use public transportation/ Yes
車ではなく歩くこと、公共交通機関を使う/ あり
*Buy a bicycle/ No
I walk a lot instead.
自転車を買う/ なし
*Choose thrift shop/ No
Things are attached with soul of the previous owner, at times filled with negative vibes, I detect.
中古品の店を選ぶ/ なし
*Buy less clothes/ Yes
服を買う頻度は少なくする/ あり
*Less time for SNS/ Yes
SNSの時間を減らす/ あり
*Less time for smart phone/ Yes
スマホの時間を減らす/ あり
*Less media exposure/ Yes
Flood of information is poisonous.
メディアに触れる時間を短くする/ あり
*Zen ≒ Japanese art, Japanese art are not explicitly Zen/ Of course not
禅と日本の芸術は同等ではない、日本の芸術は禅そのものではない/ もちろんその通り
*Japan is a country of minimalism/ Yes and No
Decluttering is a big boom, but not every one is minimalist.
日本はミニマリズムの国だ/ そうであり、そうでもない
*Materialism is the big problem/ Yes and No
Collecting things that are meaningful to you and treasure them is healthy.
物質主義こそが大問題だ/ そうであり、そうでもない
*Mercari site; buying and selling second hand products on internet is popular in Japan/ Yes
メルカリのサイト、中古品を売り買いするサイトが日本で人気/ その通り
*Minimalism is the panacea/ Definitely no!
最小限のもので暮らすことこそが万能薬だ/ 断固として違う
*Surrounded with things you love make you happy/ Of course yes!
大好きなものに囲まれていると幸せになれる/ 勿論、そうである!
*Think hard when you buy things/ Yes
買う時によくよく考える/ あり
For the conclusion so far, it is you who decide whether accept the decluttering advice or not. Don’t follow others opinions absentmindedly. Think hard by yourself and make your room comfortable with things that soothe you and make you peaceful. It can be true to anything. Think with your own brain, and choose over. It is sheerly crucial.

For this summer, I was completely absorbed into writing the Master’s thesis, devoting and dedicating myself 100%. It was brutally hot, yet my spirit was even hotter! And in between, I paid a visit to the Ghibli art exhibition with my niece, it turned to be a good summer memory. Featured with the work of the producer Suzuki Toshio, not the artist Miyazaki Hayao. Ghibli is now the supreme treasure of Japan. It is admirable if I possess both viewpoints as an artist and a producer.

I’m not materialistic anymore, yet so very fond of eating delicious foods, reading good books, and appreciating the arts. Therefore, I have zero intention to accept the advice for not eating out.

And here is a picture of my footstep of the bilingual blog activity that led to Japanography taking 8 and a half years. Notebooks, journals, photocopies of blog entries, lectures that I gave, lecture notebooks of the graduate school, collected data materials, related thesis, and such. It’s a pile of small mountain. And books on the shelf are many of the reference for the blog articles. I layered one by one and achieved this far. Believing that I can accomplish something truly meaningful, I keep climbing to reach the high and steep peak.

Love and Peace!