Hi there. I hope you are doing great. I keep writing about Manga Culture. Continuing from Manga Culture 3, -the long history-. I promise that you would have fun to know the geeky culture of ours!
皆さん、こんにちは。Manga Culture 3, -the long history- の続きを書いて行きます。
I’m pretty sure that many of Japanese are proud of manga and anime culture that gave huge impacts on people all around the globe. At the previous soccer FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russina, Robert Lewandowski, the representative of Poland was saying in an interview that he grew up watching Japanese anime “Captain Tsubasa”. Also, Fernando Torres who was transferred to J1 Sagan Tosu this summer said he started to play football after watching “Captain Tsubasa”. Torres was a Spanish national team player and participated in FIFA World Cup in 2006, 2010, and 2014, three times in a row. Isn’t it mind-blowing the influence of anime that raised the super stars by planting seeds when child?
日本のマンガ及びアニメが世界に及ぼした影響を考えた時、とても誇らしい気持ちになる日本人は数多いと思います。先のサッカーW杯ロシア大会の時に、ポーランドの代表選手レヴァンドフスキが子供の頃に「キャプテン翼」のアニメを観て育ったと言っていました。また、この夏にJ1のサガン鳥栖に移籍して来た元スペイン代表のフェルナンド・トーレスも、「キャプテン翼」を観てサッカーを始めたと語っていました。トーレスはW杯では2006年、2010年、2014年の三大会に出場しています。世界中で活躍するスーパースター達に幼少の頃、その胸に熱き想いを植えつけたアニメの力は、なんと大きいことでしょう。(下の写真は「キャプテン翼」第1巻、(C) 高橋陽一 / 集英社)

Coincidently, Fukuoka Hakata Hankyu department store was having an exhibition of Captain Tusbasa, so I just stopped by.

Life-sized Tsubasa was shooting a goaaaaaaaaaaal!

Not only “Captain Tsubasa”, but also “Dragon Ball” and “Doraemon” are widely popular all over the world. An editor of “Shonen Jump”, Japanese leading manga comic magazine that has 50 years of history, says the most popular mangas share the same message; if you tackle on your dreams and goals as much as you can, the dreams will eventually come true. The statement is so simple yet very powerful. Cherish friendship and perseverance, and your efforts that require so much hard work and pain are sure to bear fruit. And if glancing through the spirit from a big picture, it can be said that the spirit is passed down from historical bushido and samurai mentality of Japan.
If you are determined to achieve something and never give in to any hardships and keep challenging no matter what, the attitude will give plentiful good influence on others and they also get some inspirations from you. The pure and genuine vibrations echo through the world preserving the pureness. I strongly believe this is something sincerely beautiful. Manga is a kind of literature of Japan that transformed into a different shape. And also it is an independent art that has unique and intriguing charm. It sure is very amusing and interesting, as well as charismatic.
That’s all for today. To be continued. Blessings to each one one you!