Love Letter to My Dear

love letter, never give up, hope, ラブレター、art, 芸術を作る、希望、love and peace, ラブ&ピース、愛する人に、想いを伝える、art creation, 絶望を希望に

Now that nobody knows what might happen in the world. Thinking of my loved ones, one by one, and hug them tight and firm in my heart. Thank you so much. I do love you dearly. Nobody but you, each one of you are truly unique, no one is like you, I was so blessed that I was able to encounter you and spent precious time that can’t be repeated. The ones now in heaven, and the ones that I will never see again, and the ones that I’m connecting firmly and deeply. The day, the time, the sparkle of the moments, and the laughter we cherish together. Reflecting upon those moments in the twilight.


“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” the words of Martin Luther of the Protestant Reformation, I’m recalling lately. Nobody knows what might happen tomorrow, but we have today, and each one of us can plant an apple tree. By doing so, we can make a bridge of hope for the future that can come along. By believing and conveying hope, we can live eternally in the light.


These days, I’m looking back my life quite often. The ones that I met, the achievement I made, and the work I’ve accomplished. How far and deep I could learn? And recalling places that I visited, travelled all around the world and all across the country. Experienced setbacks and torments a lot. Now that each and every one of them is so precious. Things that I attained, and things unable to come true. But now, they are all cleansed and purified. My loved ones, I want to see each one of you and hug you tight and say “Thank you.” Thank you for helping me at that time. My life was opened to a new path by encountering you. If I had been unable to meet you that day, that time, I would never have become who I am.


Thank you for pouring me much affection. Thank you for finding something in me. And if I left something fragrant in you, it’s my utmost joy. Your life is decided by people you met. If you meet a good one and make a good relationship with each other’s efforts, it is a miraculous thing. Good persons are very few, so it is the beautiful miracle that nothing can replace.


And in the midst of crisis, I still don’t want to give up hope. Never give up hope. If you are praying and desiring hard, it is sure to come true, I believe. When studying Art History, you come to understand that art is the outcome of one’s expression that was unstoppable to reveal, and adding sophistication afterward. We can’t live along without expressing something. And by expressing, we strengthen our life.


I sublimate myself by choosing the method of sharing Japanese culture. And each one of us has a mean to express oneself, and we create our own art using the time of life. And to make the art genuinely beautiful and one of a kind, we give polishing and strive hard by learning all the elements from our life. We can save our soul by doing so.


One of the goals of this blog is to write 333 high quality articles. This is the 217th one, so still long way to run. Calculated numbers of words roughly, if I write 333 articles, it will be equivalent to 54 volumes of The Tale of Genji. So I set up such a big goal. The best medicine for despair is laughter. And by creating art each one of us can transform despair into hope. Therefore, I never abandon hope, by not giving up, my dream is sure to come true.


Love and Peace to the world.


Ikebana International Panama

My Studies and Egon Schiele

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