I’ve been dreaming of Belle Epoque Paris since watching the movie, Midnight in Paris. Among all, I became a big fan of dancers of Moulin-Rouge dancing in a row excitedly while kicking up their legs so high, painted by Lautrec. I was hoping to see the real deal for these years. Lautrec was physically challenged, but his eyes and brain were like a supreme camera memorizing and cutting out a second sharply. He depicted with simple lines and dynamic compositions. By seeing his works, you come to understand that he was gifted with the special talent from God.
Henri de Toulouse Lautrec Wikipedia
アンリ・ド・トゥールーズ=ロートレック ウィキペディア
In the end of 19th century Paris, Japonisme was epidemic and it was produced many artworks influenced and inspired by Ukiyoe wood block prints immensely. And this “Divan Japonais = Japanese long chair” is a work a lady sitting on it.
19世紀末のパリでは、日本趣味(ジャポニズム)が席巻し、浮世絵から多大なる影響を受け、着想を得た絵が沢山制作されており、この “Divan Japonais” は「日本の長椅子」に座るご婦人を描いたものです。
Japonisme Wikipedia
ジャポニズム ウィキペディア

Lautrec mainly painted stone block print posters and the technique enabled the country to conduct mass production. And many artists were fascinated with Japonisme and I’m so pleased with it. They were dreaming of mesmerizing and dazzling far away country of Japan.
Most Japanese museums prohibit photography, but this time it was free for some works. They might be aiming for SNS effect or part of a cultural activity to make art free and open same as abroad. Or probably the both.
Not only Lautrec, Mucha who made stone block print works with beautiful pale colors with clear lines and created many commercial designs, and Degas that followed lives of prostitutes were amazing as well. Dancers and prostitutes belonged to the lowest rank, but the viewpoints of Lautrec and Degas were not judgmental, but understanding in a sense. It is the reason why their works are widely recognized as art, I assume.

This Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art is the design of Mr. Isozaki Arata who won Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2019, the award is said to be equivalent to Nobel Prize in the field of architecture. Since elementary school, I visited here once in a while. The slightly aging interior is beautiful, and exterior is quite abrupt and eccentric. I’m fond of the enticing charm since before, therefore I was so proud when heard the wonderful news of the Pritzker Prize.
Arata Isozaki Wikipedia
磯崎新 ウィキペディア

I love culturally and creatively rich life as far as I can remember. And in COVID crisis, I thoroughly understand how precious that life is. The art soothed my heart and treated gently, the worn-out heart that I was unaware of. After coming home, picked up 20 or so art books and photograph collections that I’ve been collecting whenever visiting exhibitions, and immersed into the colors and shapes of the art world for some good time. You attain remedy from the power of art. It was a rejoicing day that I was able to be soaked with the art and architecture to the fullest.
Abundant blessings to you all.
「ロートレックとベル・エポックの巴里−1900年展 Paris avec Toulouse-Lautrec et la Belle Epoque」企画構成-谷口事務所 Conception et Realisation par TANIGUCHI JIMUSHO, Tokyo (図録)2017