It was my great honor to have a presentation of Japanography at Ikebana International Panama Chapter online gathering. There were more than 170 audience from 35 countries. I prepared for this big event since January and taking half a year, pouring much energy and passion, the mission completed! Now that I’m wrapped with comfortable fatigue, relief, and sense of achievement. I had a presentation in English, but the gathering itself was held in English/ Spanish bilingual.

Practice makes you perfect. It is simple yet genuine life lesson. And also, ‘If you give, you will be given.’ Along the journey of Japanography to the world, I encountered with so many good people, and they helped me to survive and thrive sharing their own unique wisdom and skills. I’d like to represent my gratitude here. Thank you each one of you!

The theme of presentation was ‘A Talk on Ume and Sakura’. I showed how to fold Origami Ume plum and Sakura teaching flower culture of Japan that is interacting and intertwining with various elements. And shared 1,000 years of women’s literature, Lady Murasaki and Lady Sei Shonagon.

The 10 minute movie I made was shooting Ume plum blossoms blooming in a temple and Sakura blossoms blooming in shrines and along a stream. And teaching there are many Ume trees and Sakura trees in temples and shrines in Japan.

In ancient times in Kyoto, aristocrats and court ladies were encouraged to write essays and poems. Ume plum blossoms are pure and serene, and it is associated with Lady Murasaki who wrote ‘The Tale of Genji’; Japanese most preeminent novel about a play boy prince.

And Sakura cherry blossoms are bubbly, gorgeous, and enchanting, and it is associated with Lady Sei Shonagon who wrote the initiative compilation of essays named ‘The Pillow Book’; Makura no Soshi. Since ancient age, people love arguing that Lady Murasaki and Lady Sei Shonagon were rivals. I also love reading and comparing Lady Murasaki ‘The Tale of Genji’ and Lady Sei Shonagon ‘The Pillow Book’; Makura no Soshi pondering this or that.

People are inevitably attracted to Women Rivalry, fascinating for all regardless the time and place. Lady Murasaki was pretending to be humble, hiding her talent. But deep inside, her heart was so sly and sticky, far from pure and serene. And prideful boastful Lady Sei Shonagon was actually dedicating herself to Empress Teishi to make Her Highness amuse and laugh devoting her whole talent. Lady Sei didn’t mind to be criticized, the style was enchanting for sure. And this topic never gets old. Indeed, the deep and dense core of Japanese Classical Literature.

This time I shot various movies and edited for the first time. And wrote an original script connecting Japanese flower culture, origami, and 1,000 years of women’s literature. Then practiced many times and made a presentation for international audience. Big challenge, it was. And I received 3 questions about Omikuji fortune slips at a temple, Sakura season in Japan, and place to learn Origami (Go YouTube!) .

Here I want to show my sincere gratitude to a professor of Panama University who coached me earnestly 4 times in total one hour each. Learning tips for a presentation focusing on international audience was greatly rewarding. And the time we shared was instrumental and echoing on our heart strings. Indeed a beautiful miracle. I appreciate your love and hard work from the bottom of my heart.
Love and Peace.