Handmade Picture Book

handmade picture book, love language, 手作り絵本、art, creativity, アート、愛情表現、learn Japanese, バイリンガル、世界に一つ、日本語

What makes you happy at a time like this? The world is so turbulent and things are unpredictable, and people’s love is getting colder. The best remedy for us to survive through this day and age is to make art for someone you love, I believe. By the act of producing something with your own hands with much creativity, your wounded soul be healed. And by giving the work to the loved one, blessings overflow for sure. This is what I am certain.


When the pandemic quarantine started 2 years ago, I had plenty of time since all my jobs were cancelled. But I wanted to be productive as much I could. Mean while, a whirlwind of amazing idea hit on me. Why not make a picture book for niece and nephew? The idea never came across before, and I didn’t have a clue to make one, but I thought it would turn out to be a memorable gift for them, one and only in the world.


The book is about childhood memories of I and brother since niece always begs me to tell stories of the peaceful good old days. It was so exciting to figure out the procedures that there is no guideline to make a handmade picture book. Count on your own brain, not internet! Wrote down all the inventive and meticulous ideas on a notepad and it seemed so good. Next day, went shopping to a stationary shop and a handcraft shop and prepared all the materials that needed. And here’s how I made the picture book. Hope it can benefit you.


Things needed; computer and printer and copy paper/ drawing paper/ thicker paper for each page/ glue/ scissors/ 2 cover boards/ clips/ yarn/ water color paint/ paint brush/ pallet/ crayons/ pen/ notepad/ cover cloth that covers the front and the back cover/ felt for title words

必要なもの;パソコンとプリンターとコピー用紙/ 画用紙/ 各ページになる厚めの紙/ のり/ ハサミ/ 表紙の台紙二枚(サイン色紙を使用)/ クリップ/ 毛糸/ 水彩絵の具/ 絵筆/ パレット/ クレヨン/ ペン/ ノート/ 表表紙と裏表紙を包む布/ 題名の文字になるフェルト

1 . Jot down story on a notepad, make it fun, laughable, and warm. Reread it to make it perfect, don’t forget the punch line and good ending. This is first and foremost.
2 . Type out the text adding hiragana words on difficult Chinese characters if it’s in Japanese.
3 . Print out the text and cut the text for good volume for each page.
4 . Paint and draw pictures on a drawing paper, combining water color paint and crayon is a good idea. Using stickers is good also.
5 . Paste the text and the picture on to thicker paper that is cut out for each page and bended half. Don’t forget to think of the order of the story and pictures. Your at hand picture book will tell you how to design the layout.
6 . Prepare a yarn, and roll the yarn in the center of the book bended part. One or two clips help to fix the position.
7 . Prepare cover boards the front and the back. I used autograph board that are hard and thick. Prepare a cloth that covers up the covers. Using glue and paste the cloth neatly while sandwiching the story part in it.
8 . Front cover title. Write title words on felt and cut out, watch out the underline be neatly cut out. Paste the title with glue.
9 . Done! But never forget to take pictures since you must record your creation!

1 . お話をノートに下書きする。面白くクスリと笑えて心温まるものを書く。読み返して完成させる。オチと良い終わり方を考えること。これがまず一番肝心。
2 . その文章をパソコンで打ち込み、日本語の場合は難しい漢字にはフリガナをつける。
3 . そのお話をプリントアウトして、各ページの分量を考えて切り分ける。
4 . 画用紙に絵を描く、水彩絵の具とクレヨンを組み合わせた絵は良いものが描ける。シールを貼るのも良い。
5 . 全体のページ分量にして半分に折った分厚めのページとなる紙に、お話と絵を貼り付ける。話の順序と絵の順序を考えて。手持ちの絵本の装丁をよく調べると、レイアウトの仕方が分かってくる。
6 . 毛糸を用意して、話の丁度半分で折り曲げたところに毛糸を一回巻きつける。クリップを一、二本使って固定させる。
7 . 表表紙と裏表紙になる台紙を用意。今回は硬くて分厚いサイン色紙を使用。表紙をおおう布を準備。のりを使って台紙を綺麗に包みつつお話部分を挟み込む。
8 . 表紙の題名。フェルトに文字を書いて切る。下書きが入らない様に綺麗に切る。題名をのりで貼り付ける。
9 . 出来上がり。けれど、出来上がった作品の写真を取ることを忘れずに。自分の作品の記録は残さなくてはなりません。

It took 3 whole days to complete. Without the pandemic, this work would have never been born.


In this ultimately convenient daily life, it’s so easy to buy things you want. Anything and everything is available. However, heart that cares for you is something you want the most, isn’t it? What you want is nothing but someone’s true heart, I believe. So never be a penny pincher to show your affection to someone you love dearly. This is my love language for niece and nephew. What is your love language?


Love and peace to the world…


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