After seeing around architecture in Omotesando, I visited Ohta Memorial Museum of Art specialized in Ukiyo-e wood block print, stepping in an alley. It was held ‘Cats in Ukiyo-e’ exhibition, featuring kitties in Edo period (1600-1867) to Meiji Period (1868-19129) in everyday life of commoners or prostitutes. The exhibition of playful cats was a big success. I was imagining if I were a foreign traveler of cat lover visiting Tokyo and happen to come here, I would be definitely dancing for joy.
表参道で建築巡りをした後、少し小道に入った奥にある、浮世絵を専門とする太田記念美術館で『江戸にゃんこ展 浮世絵ネコづくし』を見てきた。江戸から明治にかけて、庶民や遊女の暮らしの中にいた猫を描いた作品の数々で、遊び心に溢れたにゃんこ展は大盛況で、もしも自分が外国人の猫好きで、旅行先の東京でたまたまこの展覧会を訪れることがあったら、小躍りするほど喜んだろうと思いつつ、会場を巡り図録を買った。

You’ll never get tired of ‘Toy Picture’ of Edo period (1600-1867) to Meiji period (1868-1912) made for children. The cats are humanized, look charming, cunning, adorable, mean, scary, or falling into raptures. School of cats, public bath of cats, The Diet of cats, acrobatics of cats, wedding of cats, or cats enjoying cool evening breeze, they are in full action. Even come to think of you are in a country of cats.
江戸 (1600-1867) や明治 (1868-1912) の「おもちゃ絵」とされる子供向けに描かれた浮世絵の猫たちは、擬人化されていて、お茶目だったり、小狡そうだったり、愛嬌があったり、意地悪そうだったり、怖かったり、得意気だったり、と見ていて飽きない。猫の学校、猫の銭湯、猫の国会、猫の曲芸、猫の嫁入り、猫の夕涼み、とにゃんこ達は八面六臂の大活躍。ここはもしかしたら本当は、猫の国なんではないかという気すらしてくる。

Esprit and culture are inseparable. It can be defined that the more playfulness it has, the more matured the culture is.

Cats and human have been cohabiting since Yayoi period (about 2300 to 1700 years ago) in Japan. ‘The Tale of Genji’ written in Heian period (794-1185) is dealing a cat, and stage effect of Kabuki play of goblin cat has been popular. Cat plays an important role in the classical literature and art. The mystic beauty of cats evoke our imagination linking them with another world. In Edo period (1600-1867) cats were widely kept as benefit being to protect foods, papers, and furniture from the harm of mice. Believed to be warding off damage and welcoming fortune.
猫は日本では弥生時代 (2300年から1700年前) から人間と共生をして来ており、平安時代 (794~1185) に書かれた『源氏物語』にも猫が登場したり、歌舞伎では化け猫の演出が人気を博したり、と古典文学や古典芸能の中にも猫は重要な役割を持って登場する。猫はその美しさもあり、神秘的で異界と繋がっているとも考えられて来た。江戸時代には、ネズミの害から食物や書籍や器物を守る益獣として、害を払い福を招くものとされて、多くの家庭で猫が飼われていたという。

People like talking categorizing someone as ‘cat’ or ‘dog’. And many people have self-recognition as ‘cat type’ or ‘dog type’. Often the times the topic is so fun to exchange.

According to a veterinarian, dogs have an organization chart and they live in the world of hierarchy. They are faithful, loyal, and keep order. They never betray and trustworthy. On the other hand, cats don’t have a class. Oneself is oneself, and other is other, so individualistic, whimsical, and capricious. They have free spirit, never flatter, and self-respecting.

And there’s a variety of ‘takuki; raccoon dog’. It is faithful and charming, belong to Canidae family. But at times it puts a leaf on head and morphs into something and tricks others and amuses oneself. And fox also belongs to Canidae family, according to the vet.
There are many cat lovers around myself, but cat lover is not necessarily a ‘cat type’. Sometimes ‘dog type’ is a big cat lover, or ‘cat type’ deeply love cats as the same kind. It’s fun to observe.
And in Japan, there are world famous cat characters.

Hello Kitty of Sanrio

Cat Bus of Totoro

Cat Style Robot of Doraemon, bitten off ears by a mouse
There’re a lot more kinds of cat characters in Japan, and they win great popularity. Cat characters are printed on stationaries, clothings, and daily commodities, both kids and adults love them. Of course, there are myriads of ‘dog lovers’ pouring much affection towards dogs. Listening to the love of cats and dogs, or seeing SNS posts and measure their depth of love is quite interesting.
Since ancient times, the Japanese and cats live together. Our ancestors observed and analyzed cats. Spread the wings of imagination, humanized cats, made into art, and evolved them with inventive spirit adding sophistication. And looking back the history from various angles is giving us the joy of sense of humor.
Well then, are you ‘cat type’? ‘dog type’? Or ‘raccoon dog type’? Or even ‘fox type’?
Love and Peace.
『江戸にゃんこ 浮世絵ネコづくし』図録、太田記念美術館、2023年