To attend a seminar of the graduate school, I visited Tokyo. Very good friend of mine since 18 picked me up at the Haneda Airport. We were so happy to see one another and had lots and lots of things to share that dropped by a cafe in the airport. Asked a lady next table to take our photos.
Our friendship since right after entered university knows all the ups and downs of our history, both good times, bad times, heartbreaking pains, suffering moments, anguished tears, and all the silly laughters. It is something so precious that we all know the paths of each, like time honored wine that matured and aged with all seasons of life. It is one of the most beautiful things in life. Indeed a sheer miracle that both of us hope for all the best for each other in this vast world.

When in university, we used to hang out all night at a night club in Roppongi. Now that we became madam, so headed for Asakusa Rakugo (comic story telling) Hall to add up deep colors for sadness and joy of life. Laughter is the most magnificent intelligence that human possess. Long ago, my boy friend was a very unique guy and he told me “You sleep well while listening to Rakugo tape.” So I bought one and listening to it when go to bed. Oh, nostalgia hits me.
Asakusa Engei Hall was much smaller than I anticipated, and the distance between the performer and the audience is close. It is one of the stages of long-favored Sunday evening TV show of ‘Shoten’. All Japanese know the intro melody of “Chattchara chararira, tatta~”. We make eye-contact with Rakugo storyteller and the story goes on. Edo accent is so enticing. “Teyandei, Beraboumei!” So hilarious that I cried with tears. A famous Mandan guy, Neducchi comes out and asked for a theme and he returned a quick response. It was so captivating!

Lots of vocabularies peculiar to Rakugo were filled with lively power, “Tattzan” “Firework of Sumida River” “Ta~Ma Ya~” “Osamurai” “Bureimono; you rude man!” “Tanako; tenant residents” “Oh Tengu; huge long nosed goblin” “Omaesan; you dear” “Tobaku; gambling” “Asshi; me” and “What dream were you dreaming?” And the final Rakugo of ‘Tengu Sabaki; judgement of a long nosed goblin’ was amazingly funny and addictive.
‘Tengu Sabaki’ plot goes like this. A poor couple living in a Nagaya housing. The husband was dreaming and the wife woke him up shaking, “What dream were you dreaming? Tell me.” “I wasn’t dreaming.” the husband replies. And there was a fight. Then a guy next door came in, “What dream were you dreaming?” “I wasn’t dreaming.” Then a land lord came and said “What is all the fuss? What dream were you dreaming?” And the husband was took to a judge. Then asked “What dream were you dreaming?” “I wasn’t dreaming.” Then he was blown to Takao Mountain and a huge long nosed goblin asked “What dream were you dreaming?” The long nails of the goblin were digging him. The husband was disturbed by a nightmare and the wife shook him awake and asked “What dream were you dreaming?” That’s the punchline.

The story goes repeating the same line again and again, so you can guess what comes next, it cracks you up with the much anticipated lines. Very addictive. When explained by written words, it’s not that funny, but the art of telling of the Rakugo performer is so enchanting and audience get so delighted.
Laughter is the best medicine. We all know that to live along is severe and tough, tears and agonies are inevitable to come along. By the very reason, we have wisdom to laugh out loud to blow them away. We protect our body and soul soundly with a sense of humor, building up the art and culture of laughter. “Our brain is so foolish that when laughing even if it’s a fake laugh, brain misunderstands and produces happy hormone. ” It is indeed so. Never forget the outcome of laughter. Tattzan, you agree with me?
Love and Peace!