world changing books, The Pillow Book,枕草子、change history, learn Japanese, 日本語、intellectual lifestyle, 知的生活、avid reader,本の虫

For all book lovers. I assume there are many of you who love reading since kid and the habit hasn’t changed after becoming an adult. And quite large number of people learned important lessons from books, I believe. I’m writing this article for such avid readers. It’s going to be a bit geeky and nerdy for this time, and not few of you would enjoy for sure.


I read this book, “100 BOOKS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD” and thought this or that. In the history of human beings in all parts and regions of the vast planet, 100 books that gave tremendous influence to the mankind were selected and given explanations. Many of intellectual figures are sure to have read many of them. And it can be exhilarating to have your own opinions thinking what books you would have chosen if you had read the books.


Among the 100 books, I read 12 of them, some partly and some entirely. The Analects of Confucius, The Tale of Genji, King James Bible, Gulliver’s Travels, Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Roget’s Thesaurus, Les Miserables, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Diary of a Young Girl/ Anne Frank, Lolita, and Silent Spring.


I have 3 of the books at hand.


It’s easy to imagine that The Tale of Genji, King James Bible, The Quran and Arabian Nights have been selected. But it was eyeopening that this Roget’s Thesaurus was also chosen. I admire the author for picking it up. English language doesn’t prefer using same word repeatedly. And I desire to polish up my English sophisticated so that I’ve been using this thesaurus since university. It succeeds in collecting large number of vocabularies, much larger than my electric dictionary or online dictionaries. The situational explanation is in detail, and I have no objection for declaring it as one of the books that changed the world.


And I was pondering for a few days if I were the author, what books would I choose? I would certainly add up 2 more Japanese books. I’d like to make a protest that 1,000 years of women literature history of Japan is only reflected upon The Tale of Genji here. The Pillow Book, Makurano-Soshi of Lady Sei Shonagon, the first ever essay compilation book in the world highly deserves to be selected. And Hokusai Sketch of Ukiyoe Wood Brick Prints artist. The Pillow Book is said to be the origin of this internet age blog culture. The origin of manga and anime that is pandemic in the 21st century is springing up from Hokusai Manga Sketch. Look at these pictures. The subculture of Edo period (1603~1867) of Japan literally changed the world, so creative and playful.

そして、自分が選者だったらどんな本を選ぶかな、と何日間か考えていました。私だったら、日本の書物をあと2冊追加したい。女流文学一千年の歴史を誇る日本の書物の中で、源氏物語しか選ばれていないことに抗議したい。その2冊とは、世界で初めて随筆というものを書いた清少納言の枕草子、それと、浮世絵師の葛飾北斎が描いた北斎漫画、を挙げます。枕草子はこのインターネット時代のブログの源流を作っているとも言えるものだし、21世紀の世界を席巻している漫画アニメ文化の潮流は、この北斎漫画に遡れるからです。この絵を見てください。江戸時代(1603~1867) のサブカルチャーの本領発揮、世界を塗り替えたこの自由な遊び心!

In addition to that, I would also pick up The Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe, Narziss und Goldmund by Hermann Hesse, and Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. However, these 3 master pieces were too famous and less edgy to choose, I wonder.


Why do I read books? Why do I read earnestly? Why can’t I live along without reading? Why do I feel soothed and calm by reading my own words and printed words? Reading and writing is my mental food and it is even a holy act. Why can’t I live along without doing so?


I’m writing this blog for people who love intellectual lifestyle and find healings in it. The irresistible joy of knowing something new or knowing something deeper. To know something, render it, ponder over, build up own viewpoint, and write down with own words. That’s the act that brings the sense of living. The act deepening own viewpoint toward the world. The act that drawing and coloring own world map. And it is a great pleasure by sharing my thought, I can reach out many people and this might give opportunities to deepen your unique thoughts richly. Intellectual lifestyle relishes peace, and it’s possible only when peace. Let’s create peaceful world all together.


Love and Peace!

Singer Aoyama Sachiko

Teatime Traveller

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