Hidden Christian Heritage

隠れキリシタン、潜伏キリシタン、田平天主堂、ユネスコ世界遺産、Hidden Christian, origin of Japanese Christianity, 春日集落、歴史探訪、history trip in Nagasaki

Revisited Hirado, Nagasaki that we went in summer. Since it was inadequate to grasp the history of Hidden Christian Heritage just visiting there once. This time we paid a visit to Tabira Catholic Church first. It’s a pity that this premises was not selected as a component of Unesco World Heritage site, yet we were able to witness the dignified architecture and capture the the torch of belief that is piously preserved over a century. Sheer blessing it was to be allowed to step into the church.



Christianity was introduced to Japan in 1549, by a missionary from Society of Jesus, Francisco de Xavier. The teaching was protected by Oda Nobunaga, but as time descended the Tokugawa Shogunate government prohibited Christianity sternly in extreme and churches were destroyed. Also, foreign missionaries were expelled from Japan. However, Hidden Christian conserved the belief over 2 centuries without missionaries.


They transformed Christianity while accepting Japanese ancient Shintoism and Buddhism and developed peculiar culture. The history was evaluated and led to be recognized as Unesco World Heritage site. I could comprehend the history, but still not certain why there remained many European style churches in Nagasaki area that was in severe poverty. Since it is hard to believe that there was much wealth to build great churches nor leaders who played as massive mental pillar.


To understand the background in depth, we planned out the second Hirado, Nagasaki Hidden Christian Heritage trip. Gradually I came to connect historical elements to one flow of history by reading pamphlets that I got in churches, listening to local storytellers in Kasuga village center, watching a movie, observing exhibitions, and reading booklets. Kasuga village is a small village that has been worshiping a mountain before Christianity and prayed for island where Christians were martyred.


According to the storyteller, her father was gathering with local men once a year, and having a meeting forbidding women. When young, the lady didn’t know what they were doing nor allowed to look in. Later she got to know that it was a ritual of Hidden Christian. Some villagers who believed Christianity escaped to Gotoh island by boat not to be killed.


And Kasuga villagers were climbing mt. Maruo overlooking spectacular 360 degrees of terraced rice paddies and the ocean. They gathered on the top, eating and drinking and partying when something occurred. And this very mountain was the mental pillar of Hidden Christian. There was carved magnanimous yet extremely rigorous history that has been preserved for centuries long before Roman Catholic churches were built.


At the village center, I saw wooden cards that Hidden Christian confidentially treasured, and listened to the explanation. Mother Marry was described cryptographically, and a whip for oneself to experience the suffering of Jesus, and the whip was transformed the usage for purification ritual when expelling disease.


Nowadays, there are no Hidden Christian nor Christians in Kasuga village. However, the elderly storytellers looked proud and having sense of mission to tell the history. A cup of green tea that I was served was so hot and tasty.


And the national seclusion policy of eliminating Christianity ceased, and opening a country in 1854, missionaries came in Nagasaki and constructed Ohura Catholic church. And in 1865, missionaries of Ohura church and Hidden Christian encountered: ‘the discovery of the believers’. Though, numerous Hidden Christian declared their belief, the government accelerated oppressions again. However, receiving intense protest form the West, Meiji Government lifted the ban in 1873. Since then, believers split to returning Catholic, maintaining Hidden Christianity, and conversing to Shintoism or Buddhism.


<Hirodo, Nagasaki Catholic Houki Church/ 長崎平戸、カトリック宝亀教会>

And in the area that returned to Catholic, European style churches were built with financial support of Roman Catholic and offerings from believers. Withstanding such historical transitions, there are many churches in Hirado, Nagasaki area. I came to understand finally. Linking dots and making a line, eventually I came to grasp the overview of the history.


<Ikitsuki, Nagasaki Yamada Church/ 長崎生月、山田教会>

I spent junior and senior high school days in Nagasaki, and there were lots of Catholics. And I came to know it was due to the long history. By actually having a visit to a certain place and see with own eyes and listen to the locals and think by myself, and organizing the content after coming back home and learn further, then I am making a worldwide intellectual map of my own. What a great pleasure of interpreting history vertically and horizontally.


And I’m pondering the meaning of writing history in descendent age from a personal point of view.


Love and Peace…

『世界文化遺産 長崎と天草地方の潜伏キリシタン関連遺産 日本独自の宗教的伝統 ダイジェスト版』 企画・発行/ 長崎県、熊本県、長崎市、佐世保市、平戸市、五島市、南島原市、小値賀町、新上五島町、天草市
『長崎と天草地方の潜伏キリシタン関連遺産②③ 平戸の聖地と集落(春日集落と安満岳・中江ノ島)ガイドマップ』企画・発行/ 長崎県、熊本県、長崎市、佐世保市、平戸市、五島市、南島原市、小値賀町、新上五島町、天草市

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