Prodigy and the Music

Official髭男dism, ヒゲダン、髭男、藤原聡、髭男分析、rejoice, 言葉の力、神童、島根県、J-Pop, HigeDan, 福岡マリンメッセ、J Pop analysis, music life in Japan

Went to concert of OfficialHigeDandism; HigeDan, at Fukuoka Marin Messe. Observing fans before concert at the venue is another delight of a concert. People’s age, atmosphere, fashion, chatting words, and excited vibes of taking pictures, they are all amusing. And it’s intriguing that all of those people share a sort of same color of the air and emit the same aura. Of course, each one of us are versatile being so we adapt and differentiate one another depending on the time and situation, though.


The fans of HigeDan seemed more interested in inner mind and words rather than ornamenting superficial beauty. They looked having gentle and calm nature. I got impression that each one of them savors the lyrics and music deeply that Fujihara kun weaves up beautifully.


Most of the lyrics and music are created by the vocalist Fujihara kun. And in one song, he sang that he wishes to be considerate among one another, but he’s got to throw away such idealism, he makes believe himself to survive and swim through this tough world. And we all struggle every single day. However, deep down, we genuinely seek for something warm and compassionate. That’s why the title of this concert tour is ‘Rejoice!’ No matter how crazy this world might be, we ought to rejoice!

殆ど全ての楽曲を作詞作曲しているボーカルの藤原くんは『イエスタデイ』の中で、本当は誰もとお互いに思い合っていたいという内容を歌う。けれどそんな理想論は捨てなくちゃと、この世の中を上手く泳いでいかなくちゃと、日々の暮らしの中で傷ついたりもがいたりする私たち。それでも、温かいもの、互いに思いやりを持つものを求めて生きていきたいのだと、やっぱり思ってしまう。だからこのツアーのタイトルは、そんな世にあってもRejoice! 喜べ!なのだと。

HigeDan is consisted of 4 youngsters from Shimane. My husband and I love Shimane so much and we visit there frequently. And listening to the music of HigeDan on the country road is so mystical and lovely as if in a fairy tale. While listening to the live vocal of Fujihara kun, I was recalling the kindness of the people whom I encountered in Shimane.


Describing all the wonderful talent of Fujihara kun is impossible in this small article. But in a word if summarizing, he is a gentle hearted prodigy. Maybe he’s on one stage higher than a genius. The landscape he is seeing is much more abundant and overflowing richly, the brightness and the freshness of the sound, smell and sigh, are incredibly fragrant and affluent. And it triggers all the more fatigue, however he adjusts the valve meticulously and extracts only genuinely beautiful elements. I have impression that he’s been nurturing the function since very small.


The excitement continues, and I listened to their songs and tasted the lyrics after coming back home, and watched movies of analyzing the music made by a music producer. The guy listened firstly and synchronized the music while reproducing on the key board. He got so excited while analyzing, and joyfully played with music. The common language only who studied music theory rigorously could see and maneuver, I felt envious for the skill that only who master the special language can relish.


HigeDan play and struggle in the music theory, and cherish words that bubbles up like a spring from inside of Fujihara kun, and the team love and support one another. The phenomenon of HigeDan is one of a kind. The youngsters craze many of us. Sheer miracle it is.


Fujihara kun was talking in MC that we human have a lovely asset to make memories. And all sorts of sufferings and struggles can transform into lovable memories when looking back. And that’s why living along in this day is wonderful.


I’m very curious about the inside of Fujihara kun’s brain. The inner brain cosmos of resonating high musical and linguistic intelligence, and distinctive emotional quotient. Wondering what it’s like to switch with Fujihara kun and see the world from his eyes. What he thinks about, how he responds to matters, and how heart strings get touched. Where dose he find inspiration? What anguishes him? And what music he composes and what is he desiring to paint pondering further and further?


Fujihara kun makes us feel that way. And we are able to live in Japan in this contemporary age with HigeDan, and it is our big blessing to bless them. I appreciate from the bottom of my heart. Therefore, we’ve got to REJOICE to live along in this day and age.

そう思わせる藤原くん、そして髭男と同時代を生きることが出来て、その存在を祝福することができるのは、この日本に暮らす私たちの大きな祝福でもあるのだと、そう心から思う。だからこそ、全てをひっくるめて、私たちのこの日々を喜べ!Rejoice! なんだ。

Love and Peace!



Hidden Christian Heritage

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