Making Dream Notebooks

朝活勉強会、大川陽介、WILL キャリアの羅針盤のみつけ方、夢ノート、引き寄せ、手書きの力、キャリア形成、書き出し作業、dreams come true, dream notebooks

Attended a morning study group hosted by The Cabinet Office members. The lecturer changes weekly, and this week Mr. Okawa Yosuke introduced his best seller book about finding a career path of ‘own compass’. It was about verbalizing inner hazy feeling and reaching out own life compass, then make self-realization to build up career.


Making self-realization through career and contribute for the society, it is keenly important theme for all of us. And for the first step, it is crucial to verbalize and write down. Then make a map through the key words and move forward with trial and errors. Verbalizing and writing up is the critical procedure to depict your life story to draw a map to reach out goal, for nobody but your own sake.


I’ve been making various kinds of notebooks to navigate own route, such as ‘Dream Notebook’, ‘material gathering’ ‘Journal’ and ‘Master’s thesis constructing notebook’. They became compass for me as Mr. Okawa says. Writing down small ideas, capturing something so intangible that could evaporate in the next second. And reading back own handwriting again and again. Gradually those words come to gain power to step one step ahead to my goal.


Something you’ve been holding since adolescence can be a core, and you get affected by various things, so examine the direction changing slightly each time, and make yourself realize. And combine your ego and desire to contribute for the society, equipped with the two wheels are inevitable to motorize.


Writing down key elements of modifying who you are since you were born, and find out life story. To begin with the step is so amusing. For example, a discovery in a foreign country you first visited, something you’ve been practicing since childhood, an award you won in elementary school, a huge setback in university, or a heartbreaking long lost love, anything can be fine since you never share it with others. It is great entertainment analyzing yourself to visualize your life history.


And Mr. Okawa’s Power Point presentation was so stylish, the chart design was so sophisticated maybe because he is an engineer. And using those charts for the book will motivate people to purchase. I learned an important lesson. My Power Point design is kind of tacky, because of the old version. Having good sense of presentation is significant to please eyes.


And keep on challenging to make self-realization come true. And to accept that you can’t succeed soon. It’s so certain that you can’t get good result in no time. Relax and take it easy. Someone who achieved significant success piled up ‘precious pre-success’ as my mentor Prof. Homma Masato advocates one by one to accomplish an influential deed.


Wave of energy to succeed and self-realization gets mightier as repeating. And there’s swing back each time, then the wave gets bigger.


Never goes up straight forward.


Climb one step at a time. After stepping up, there’s some flat period. And during the period, just keep practicing yourself.


And once reaching out to new horizon, then slow down. Reflecting back achievement objectively by jotting down. Make sure your standing point, and stop stirring up yourself. Not “I can do better!” nor “This is not enough!” But check your achievement one by one, and embrace yourself that you are on a completely different stage from 10 years ago. Verbalizing makes your compass crystal clear. By doing so you cultivate your life, sometimes suffering and afflicting, yet finding joy and pleasure here and there.


Love and Peace!

Rain, Rain, Hydrangea

Hirado, Nagasaki Journey

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