Outstanding Flagship Shop in Ginza

Hi there! How are you doing? Walking around Ginza again. I went to have  gorgeous Italian lunch on the 8th floor of Mikimoto, located in 2-chome of Ginza. Outward appearance of Mikimoto is so classy and fashionable. At night time the light of inside comes out and you can associate the building with pearl jewelry. This architecture is like a fairy tale for all the women.

みなさん、こんにちは。また再び銀座歩きの続きを。銀座二丁目のミキモトの8F でうっとりするくらい素敵なランチをして来ました。ミキモトはその外観が洗練されていて、夜には中の光が溢れてジュエリーを彷彿とさせる、女性の為のお伽話のような空間となります。

The name of the restaurant is DAZZLE. It’s absolutely dazzling. And each plate that I was served was so very delicious and beautiful. I couldn’t help but make a big sigh.


While I was enjoying the full course, I was thinking about an old film of  Audrey Hepburn’s “Breakfast at Tiffany”.


After the celeb lunch, Kayuki, our ShowCase  tour guide and I went to the main brunch of Mikimoto and went upstairs to have a look of the Best of Best Pearl that costs 18 million yen. Made a big sigh once again. I gave a smile to the shop clerk saying I would come again one day when I become rich. By the way, do you know this funny secret of pearls? In Nagasaki Bay Area where they grow pearl shells, you can buy pearl scallops without pearls at morning markets. They are cheap and delicious. Miso soup with pearl scallops is really tasty. It might sound like not a celeb topic, but I thought you would enjoy this.

食事の後、ミキモトの本店にも行き、2F の The Best of Best の真珠1,800万円の値札を前に、これまたタメイキ。お店の方にはニッコリと笑って「お金持ちになったら、また来ます。」と言い残して来ました。こぼれ話ですが、真珠貝の貝柱は真珠を育てている長崎界隈の朝市では出回っていて、その貝柱をお味噌汁に入れると美味なことを知っていますか?セレブ感は薄れてしまいますが、ちょっとした秘話を書いてみました。

In Ginza, there are many flagship shops of foreign high brands. Look at this Louis Vuitton architecture. The wall of the building reminds us of the expensive purses and this gives another subliminal effect to the shoppers.


A huge serpent was creeping on the building of BVLGARI!!


The gigantic snake looks so ominous but it gives out decadent charm in a way. It’s so tempting and alluring! Ginza is a city where the best of best get together. The best of Japan and the best of the world are selected. All so high-class and elaborate, but it is also emitting some coquettish atmosphere.


Why Ginza Six?

Classical Beauty in Ginza

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