Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine 2025

Dazaifu Tenmangu shrine, Fukuoka trip, 太宰府天満宮, Japan trip, 梅ヶ枝餅、Japanese history, 日本の歴史、菅原道真、学問の神様、god of studies, インバウンド、バイリンガル

On a shivering snowy day of January, we paid a visit to Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine in Fukuoka. 1,300 years ago, the Tang Dynasty of China prospered as a global empire, and Japan adopted the literature, culture, and political system by dispatching foreign envoys called ‘Kentoshi’. And promoted national reform bringing back new ideas from the mainland. This helped Japan to enter the Nara period (710-794CE). Dazaifu s a reputable sightseeing spot for foreign visitors in Fukuoka as well. Foreign languages spoken are mainly Chinese, Korean, and Thai, other than English. Asian visitors take delight strolling around the premises.

新春の小雪ちらつく寒い寒い日に、福岡にある太宰府天満宮へ行って来た。千三百年前の中国の唐は世界の覇権を握り栄えていた。そこから学んだ文学、文化、政治体制を遣唐使が持ち帰り、そこを礎として日本の国づくりをして奈良時代 (710年-794年) を迎え、長大なる歴史を紡いできたこの地は、福岡観光の目玉でもあり、多くのインバウンド客でも賑わっている。耳に入っていくる外国語は、英語以外では中国語、韓国語、タイ語とやはりアジア圏からのお客さんが多い。

Plum blossom party in Dazaifu is the origin of Japanese era of Reiwa. Please read my previous article.

Dazaifu; the birth of Reiwa

Head for the main sanctuary, crossing over 3 bridges representing past, present, and future.


The terminal of Silk Road was Japan, and foreign culture entered Japan via Dazaifu, thus Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine evokes yearnings. It seems the romanticism of the ancient history is mystifying for East Asian travelers. Travelers might be attempting to collect the particles of ancient memories that were already lost in many of East Asian countries. As Kakuzo Okakura once wrote, Japan is a museum of Asiatic civilization, yet more than a museum.


2025 present, the main sanctuary of the shrine that is national important cultural property is under repair first time in 124 years. Currently the temporary altar is welcoming guests.


The temporary one is good, however the prestige of the main sanctuary is no comparison. I took the following pictures in 2022. When seeing each detail intricately, I was amazed with wonder. So enchanting and my heart was beating.


Dazaifu Temmangu Shrine is enshrined with the god of studies, Sugawarano Michizane Kou. Famous landmark that students preparing for taking exams come to pray for, and the popular school excursion destination. Wrote about Michizane Kou in ‘Dazaidu; the birth of Reiwa’. Numerous votive tablets are enshrined as well. Japan is a country that regards significance in education highly, and eagerness for studying is remarkable among youngsters. I’m teaching college level English online, and tutoring students who study with endeavor every day and night, spontaneously I’m eager to support them as much as I can.

太宰府天満宮は、学問の神、菅原道真公を祀った神社であり、全国の受験生が合格祈願に訪れることでも有名だ。全国の学校の修学旅行先にもなっている。道真公については、‘Dazaifu; the birth of Reiwa’ にも書いた。多くの願いごとを書いた絵馬も奉納されている。日本は学歴社会であり、勉学に対しての向上心が若者達の間でも非常に強い。私もオンラインで英検準一級指導をしており、懸命に学ぶ生徒さん達と日々向き合っていると、頑張れ!頑張れ!と応援の声にも自然と力が入ってくる。

And Dazaifu Tenmangu is famous for Umegae mochi; grilled rice cake with sweet bean paste. The tempting aroma is floating from shops along the pavement.


Took a break from the freezing air, savoring time with Umegae mochi and green tea.


Sakadoya of the mochi shop explained the origin of Umegae mochi with a note.


‘Umegae mochi, widely known speciality of Dazaifu is originated in the legend. When Michizane Kou was spending wretched time in Enoki Temple, an old lady who was selling mochi at Anraku Temple garden felt pity for him, and welcomed him to the shop now and then and brought him mochi to comfort. When Michizane Kou passed away, the lady saw him off with his favorite mochi piercing to a plum branch. Umegae mochi (plum branch rice cake) was named after by the ancient event.


It’s my great pleasure if this article can reach out to domestic travelers and inbound tourists visiting Fukuoka.


Love and Peace…

*『The Western Capital of Ancient Japan/ Japan’s Hub for Cultural Exchange with East Asia/ JAPAN HERITAGE 日本遺産』文化庁、令和三年度
*’The Ideals of the East with Special Reference to the Art of Japan’ Kakuzo Okakura, IBC Publishing, 2009, the text was originally published in 1903
*梅ヶ枝餅、酒殿屋(さかどや) 、説明書き

Happy New Year 2025!

Winter Delight, Hot Spring

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