Lonesome Poet, Wakayama Bokusui

tanka, 若山牧水, Japanese poet, tanka poem, lonesome, Japanese education, にほんご

White seagull
Isn’t he sad
Just floating
Not becoming one
With the blue sky
Nor the blue ocean
(Wakayama Bokusui)


I studied this Tanka poem in junior high school Japanese class. Teacher asked me the meaning of the poem and I explained it. Still remember the moment vividly. The solitude not becoming one with the wide sky nor the vast ocean, and the lonesome heart was all alone. The wandering soul of Wakayama Bokusui (1885~1928) was carved onto my youthful heart.

この短歌を中学校の国語の授業で学び、先生にあてられて、この歌に込められた意味を解いた時のことを、今も鮮明に覚えています。空という大きなものにも、海という果てしないものにも染まりきれずに、一人孤独のうちにある寂しさ。漂泊する魂について、その寂しさが若山牧水 (1885~1928) という歌人の生涯を貫いたものとして、私の若い胸に刻まれました。


You can learn about Tanka, Japanese poem here.


The other day, we had a summer trip to Miyazaki using holidays in July. Thick and dense mountains, and the beautiful and affluent blue river along them amazed me and touched me. Wakayama Bokusui memorial museum was a hidden treasure in the deep country.



The sound of water was overflowing in my ears, and cicadas buzzing and the sound of wind was surrounding the museum. I learned Bokusui was a pen name, Wakayama Shigeru was his real name. The pen name was combining his mother’s name Maki (it can be read as Boku) and water (Sui). Bokusui loved mother and water somewhere so deep all through his life.


I talked with the office manager and the clerk exchanging name cards and shared my project of ©︎ Aya’s Cool Japan Blog, promoting the charm of Japan to the world. Watched a video of Bokusui and his life, and saw the exhibition taking good time, also bought two books below.

事務局の方々と名刺交換をして、日本の魅力を世界に発信する ©︎ Aya’s Cool Japan Blog の活動を伝え、お話をさせて貰いました。また、牧水紹介のビデオを観て、展示をゆっくりと見て回り、著書も二冊買いました。

Bokusui made lots of Tanka composing sadness, loneliness, solitude, and sorrow. Those emotions were inseparable with his life and Bokusui endeavored to sublimate the inclination into Tanka. The helplessness of the wandering soul echoed through many people and his Tanka are loved in this day and age.


From the book of Bokusui’s Life written by Shiotsuki Giichi
“When little, he had lots of cavities and it tortured him. When crying desperately with the ache, his mother cried together holding Bokusui on her lap. And one time she carried Bokusui on the back and went to Tsubokawa river to fish trying to sooth the ache of her boy talking on the back.

With a toothache
I cried
My mother carried me
On the back
And went to the stream
To fish

He made the memory into a poem.”

牧水の生涯 新装版 塩月儀市著 より



Bokusui loved sake (Japanese rice wine), and in solitude he was trapped, but he couldn’t resist sake. In the suffering he made plenty works of sake. You can see his loneliness and the sadness that led him nowhere.


Mother scolds me
Not to drink
While scolding
She pours me
The color of sake at night
In the dim room


Visited the home of Bokusui where he was born and raised, nearby the museum.


Bokusui travelled all across Japan, and left many poems crossing over with the landscapes and reflections of his own.


How many more mountains and rivers
Do I have to go pass by
When can I reach to a country
That loneliness ends
Again I go traveling today


Having solitude at heart, Bokusui walked and walked. He went over a mountain and a river one by one. He searched for an eternal place where it can heal his lonesome soul. It is the trace of Bakusui.


Mother Nature of water and greenery, Miyazaki raised Bokusui. His passion of composing the life is still living today and it is passed on to young generations.


Every summer it is held national Tanka competition for high school students sponsored by Agency for Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Miyazaki city, Hyuga city and etc. At Bokusui memorial museum, it was introduced Tanka that high school students made and awarded. I felt so good reading love Tanka of youngsters. In the midst of summer, many refreshing and cool Tanka will be composed and introduced this year also.



Bokusui kept walking through his life, searching for something that heals his solitude. The footsteps of his are carved surely and he is planting seeds to young people. Tanka of Bokusui are introduced in junior high school and high school textbooks. And there are not few youngsters who admire and appreciate the values deeply, not only that they also make ones. I was delighted to know that there is still some promising hope in Japanese language education.


*牧水の生涯 新装版 著者 塩月儀市 ©︎ 発行所 鉱脈社
*エッセンシャル牧水 妻が選んだベスト・オブ・牧水 著者 若山牧水 発行所 株式会社 田畑書店

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