The inspiration of this blog is coming from ‘Makura no Soshi’ written about 1,000 years ago by Sei Shonagon. ‘Makura no Soshi’ is the pioneer of essay literature. Not diary nor novel, it was written with free and liberating spirit. And the field cultivated by ‘Makura no Soshi’ revealed the eternal possibilities of writing. And it is still giving everlasting influence on the people of 1,000 years later.
*’Makura no Soshi’, the title is translated as ‘The Pillow Book’.
Currently, I’m studying in Master’s course in university in Kyoto in order to expand this blog activity to the world. When walking around the city or the mountain side of Kyoto that Sei Shonagon resided 1,000 years ago, some kind of special intimacy I capture. While seeing names of Honno ji temple or Hieizan mountain that I once studied in school textbooks on street maps, or crossing over Karasuma Oike Dori street or Yanagi no Banba Dori street that have ancient names, I yearn for the 1,200 years history of Kyoto.
I took a class of History of Japanese Literature and submitted a report. What I studied in the class was from Japanese most ancient poetry of ‘Manyo Shu’ to Haiku Travelogue of ‘Oku no Hosomichi’ of Matsuo Basho who travelled around Japan on foot, chronically I studied 1,000 years history of Japanese literature. Literature is one of my most favorite genre, and this time I was able to study the history and the correlation with the era as one vast tide. It was beneficial for this blog project.
And for the assignment, it was required to pick up one literary work and give an analysis by seeing the historical tide and having compare and contrast with other contemporaneous works. Of course, without having a second thought, I chose ‘Makura no Soshi’. The letter limit was 1,200, so I could write minimum context. However, it was so worthy to challenge this task. Here, I want to share what I wrote.
そしてレポート課題は、学んだ文学作品を一つ取り上げて、その作品について歴史的な流れを踏まえて同時代の他の作品と対比させ、考察しつつ論じるというものでした。もちろん迷うことなく「枕草子」を選びました。字数制限が1,200 字と少なかったので、最小限のことしか書けませんでしたが、それでもとても遣り甲斐のある課題でした。以下に課題で論じたものを載せます。
I pick up ‘Makura no Soshi’ written by Sei Shonagon and give an analysis.
‘Makura no Soshi’ the pioneer of essay was written in the beginning of the 11th century by a court lady Sei Shonagon who served for Chugu Teishi; the 1st wife of the emperor. The contemporary literature of ‘The Tale of Genji’ by a court lady Murasaki Shikibu and this ‘Makura no Soshi’ are often compared and contrasted. ‘Makura no Soshi’ is the literature of “enchanting” filled with light heartedness, laughter, sense of humor, cynical criticism, and beautiful elegance. On the other hand ‘The Tale of Genji’ is the literature of “emotional” filled with sorrows, desolations, agonies in love and life, and depicting torments in inner selves.
Lady Murasaki was serving for Chugu Shoshi; the 2nd wife of the emperor and it was said Lady Sei Shonagon and Lady Murasaki were rivals. Lady Murasaki wrote about Lady Sei Shonagon in her diary ‘Murasaki Shikibu Nikki Diary’ and harshly criticized her saying “This woman will never die peacefully.” and giving a curse. And Lady Murasaki also wasn’t able to pass away peacefully either. People in the later age talk about this episode as an example “If you curse someone, you will be also cursed by digging up 2 abysses”
‘Makura no Soshi’ is crossing over with diary literature of the age, but it is much more creative by expanding the boundary to wider viewpoint and established a new genre with her unique style. ‘Makura no Soshi’ is said to be one achievement of the Woman Literature of Heian Era. The book is consisted of and categorized into “Chapters of Lists” of listing up things, “Chapters of Essays” of writing things of various issues freely , and “Chapters of Diary” of writing daily matters.
Women’s literature in those days such as ‘Kagerou Nikki Diary’ by Fujiwarano Michitunano Haha, ‘The Tale of Genji’, and ‘Murasaki Shikibu Nikki Diary’ by Lady Murasaki were all writing about sorrows and torments of themselves, depicting their sufferings and agonies, then seeking for salvation by becoming a nun. But interestingly, ‘Makura no Soshi’ is filled with wondrous brightness.
Sei Shonagon wrote in the Chapter 280, begining with “Snow piling up so high” , she rolled up the bamboo blind and showed the sight of “Snow of Koroho Mountain Peak” to Chugu Teishi and made her rejoice. Sei Shonagon did so by quoting the Chinese literature of Hakkyoi of “seeing Koroho mountain peak of snowy mountain by rolling up the bambo blind” with amusing esprit. Sei Shonagon showed off her intelligence uprightly and proudly. Or in the Chapter 91, starting with “Something irritating” she snobbishly wrote about things she hates and spoke ill of them so pitilessly.
However, the purpose of Sei Shonagon to write ‘Makura no Soshi’ was not to boast her brilliance. She dedicated to write to please Chugu Teishi; the 1st wife of the emperor, to make her laugh and smile. Sei Shonagon didn’t lament over bad political situations surrounding Chugu Teishi, but she left the records of the days of affluent and overflowing richness of the cultural salon, and she craved in the memories of utter enchantment for future generations. By doing so, Sei Shonagon achieved something magnificent by exceeding the political defeat of the clans. Not with tearful complaints, but by leaving the records of enchanting world, she pioneered the new field of “writing” that no one could accomplish. She passed on the big torch of hope of writing to the future generations.

<Picture of Uemura Shoen (1875~1949), the scene of Sei Shonagon rolling up the bamboo blind to see “Snow of Koroho Mountain Peak” 上村松園(1875~1949)が描いた、「香炉峰の雪」を清少納言が簾を開けて見せる場面>
I’ve been longing for Sei Shonagon since I learned about her in Japanese class of junior high school. Not only her, but there are other great figures of the history that I learned from. They supported me in times of hardships and setbacks. Capturing historical figures as your role models and cultivate your path by learning from them. I think many of you already have your own heroes. Learning from history can be the compass to survive this world that is getting filled with darkness, lies, and something evil. Good luck on you all!
Love and Peace.
「日本の古典をよむ⑧ 枕草子」松尾聰・永井和子 校訂・訳者、小学館、2007年
「芸術教養シリーズ9 日本の芸術史 文学上演篇Ⅰ 歌、舞、物語の豊かな世界」矢内賢二 編集、芸術学舎、2014年