The world is getting darker and darker, while I keep writing this Aya’s Cool Japan Blog. The COVID crisis revealed various kinds of problems, and the cyber space is filled with harsh and ruthless words coming out from the evil human nature. To tell the truth, I have no idea if Japan is genuinely cool or not.
I do believe that there are countless beautiful things in the history of Japan and the culture passed on from generation to generation, and it is no doubt. Even though, I got tired of the concept of “Cool Japan”. So took a break this time and we visited Kyushu Geibun Kan to appreciate “Audrey Hepburn Photo Exhibition” of an eternal fairy for a change. The monochrome photographs of Audrey were utterly lovely and charming, and her eyes were so strong and sparkling. I was able to know how she dedicated her whole life for something she believed in. And so grateful that my mind was cleansed from the tiredness.

The beautiful life of Audrey came to end when I was a high school student. When she passed away, I remember reading a magazine of Audrey’s life path in the school library. It was featuring her childhood Resistance activities, actress career in the Hollywood, and the later years of passionate dedication for underprivileged children as a UNICEF goodwill ambassador.
Her mother was from a Dutch aristocrat family, but they went through severe hardship in the World War Ⅱ, Audrey supported her family working as a dance teacher even before becoming a teenager. It is a well-known fact that she participated in Resistance of the Anti Nazis movement, having a cryptogram note in her shoe and ran around the Netherland and spread information for her allies. And thinking of Audrey, I always associate her with Anne Frank.
I had “The Diary of Anne Frank” at hand first time in the elementary school library. I just saw photos of Anne’s hiding place and a bookshelf of a disguising turning door at that time. And I borrowed the book form a friend and read the thick diary in the spring break that I became a high school student graduating from junior high. I was deeply touched by Anne’s writing that she talked to the diary giving a name as Kitty. She was talking to Kitty about her crush, future dream, changes of own body, and upset and anger toward people around her, all the matters girls in the period going through. I also wrote about Anne in my diary in those days.
For Audrey, Anne was like her another-self. In the Netherland when she was fighting against Nazis persecutions, she said she knew one thousand girls like Anne in the same situation. And Audrey later read “The Diary of Anne Frank” and learned it by heart. Therefore, she rejected again and again to play a role of Anne Frank to make a movie. Supposedly, Audrey was believing that she herself survived through the war and got fame, and her another-self of Anne lost life in the concentration camp. It could have been Audrey, not Anne. That’s why she couldn’t play Anne.
By the way, Audrey strongly believed that laughter is more precious than anything else. She was also talented as a comedienne. I watched a video of “My Fair Lady” when a freshman of university at school audiovisual room. The process of a humorous and vulgar downtown girl speaking Cockney transforming into a lady speaking Queen’s English was very interesting, together with beautiful costumes.

Audrey’s parents got divorce when she was small, and she sought for love of father for good. I guess the reason why her marriage failed couple of times was that she chose to give no matter what and didn’t know what to ask for. The sadness of not knowing the way to be loved is tearful.
On the other hand, her work ethic as a professional had been polished up since childhood diligence. She never had a compromise as a pro. She knew the power of fashion and costumes, the power of image that evoke beauty. She reflected her own ideas for costumes. Audrey set very high standard for herself, and with tremendous perseverance she went over. And her humble character stayed the same no matter how fervently people gave praises.
And the life philosophy of Audrey was released maximumly when she devoted for underprivileged children in the world, and she dedicated herself to rescue them from wars and hunger as a UNICEF goodwill ambassador. She directly talked to the leaders of the world persistently to increase the budget for humanitarian aid instead of the war budget. She desired to be loved, but genuine love was difficult to win. So painstakingly, she chose to love deeply more than anyone.
Her contribution was so sincere and one of a kind. Her expression seems a little sad and lonesome at any time. But she had a strong conviction to love and to be a giver. And she had guts to make it happen. And she was able to carve in her truly beautiful spirit to the hearts of people all around the world. It is the magnificent achievement of her life, I believe. So truly, Audrey might have been an eternal fairy that God sent in to this world, I wonder.

After appreciating each one of the photo in the exhibition, I bought these treasury goods at the museum shop. Audrey cleansed my worn-out heart, and feel so thankful and encouraged that we have such a wonderful role model like her.
Love and Peace, sincerely from my heart.
「オードリー・ヘプバーン − 彼女の素顔がここに」マーティン・ギトリン著、中尾ハジメ訳、クレヴィス、2019年
「AUDREY HEPBURN オードリー・ヘプバーン」高山裕美子編著、別府笑編集、クレヴィス、2017年