What is Creative Thinking?

creative thinking, 創造思考, creativity, unique, クリエイティブ、イノベーション、にほんご, cool Japan, learning Japanese, one and only

Once in a while, I come across a term “Creative Thinking” on SNS. It’s a buzz word in Japan at the moment, and today I want to dig up the concept deeper. I’ve read plenty of articles that observed and analyzed the mannerism of Creative Thinking, but here, I want to write what it is actually like for having Creative Thinking subjectively.


It’s so much fun reading books of psychology and related articles on the net, and I’ve read a lot. When I categorize myself, I’m extraverted intuition introverted thinking type. Firstly I gain ideas with an inspiration, then think deeper from many angles rather rigidly based on the ideas. In my brain, there are all shapes of different ideas floating and vanishing like thundering and lightening.


First and foremost, it does take time to create something truly worthy from scratch. If you want to skip all the perseverance and dash to have a good result by cheating with copy and paste, you’ll never succeed. You are very likely to fail in some way. Ponder over thoroughly, and soak and submerge yourself in the thought. And even you ought to relish the one and only process. The attitude is a part of Creative Thinking, I believe.


In my case, I fix a direction what I want to create, and design frames and structures, then weave up small details delicately and sensitively. It is the foundation of Creative Thinking of mine. And also, visit various places and conceive all sorts of ideas by sharpening up 5 senses, read lots of books, and walk around a lot. By doing so I deepen the ideas even more vivid.


I made up a title as a bilingual blogger by myself, but to be precise, I’m not bilingual who has 2 mother tongues. I have very strong and unshakable mother tongue: Japanese. I mastered English by making and layering efforts with determination since little. My English writing is not as delicate nor intricate as Japanese. My English is a bit rough, I have to admit. However, I’m often surprised at that I’ve never studied abroad nor returnee. The process of weaving up small details delicately and sensitively is including the time that I spend for studying English and other foreign languages.

私はバイリンガルブロガー という肩書きを自分で作ったけれど、正確には私はバイリンガル(母語を二つ持っている)ではない。揺るぎない母語としての日本語がまず第一にある。英語は日本に居ながら、幼少の頃から自分で意識的な努力を積み重ねて体得した言語であり、私の書く英文は日本語ほど繊細な機微を捉えたものではなく、だいぶざっくりとした表現になっている。驚かれることも多いが、私は正式な留学をしたこともないし、帰国子女でもない。細やかに丁寧に編み上げてゆくという過程には、英語やその他の言語を勉強している時間も当然含まれてる。

Exemplifying my own style, I think it is rather time consuming to pursue Creative Thinking through and through for someone who wants to have a good result by making minimum efforts and having shortcut.


I desire to showcase the charm of Japan as if showing sparkling and glittering world of a kaleidoscope in English and Japanese bilingual. And there exists very few or none who is tackling on the project. By that very reason, I can’t mimic nor cheat, and neither I’m interested in. Hence, I convince myself that it requires good amount of time to accomplish my project.


I can’t play musical instruments nor sing. But I guess I can relate to the feelings of a singer-songwriter who makes and sings one’s own songs even if the methods are different. And I think Utada Hikaru who shows her world of music differently on each song is brilliantly talented. Each time, as if she displays beautiful cutting of a fresh fruit. Though, once in an interview of SWITCH, she said she doesn’t believe in talent, there is just a concept.


Or, I might be able to understand one another deeply with a picture book writer who paints each picture dedicatedly, and write simple yet touching words. But all and all, it is undoubted that anyone who endeavors creating something has one’s own creation philosophy unexceptionally. I think all creators dream of making a work like a book filled with pages of wonder each time flip through, and bring up new ideas each time reading back. It is eternal yearning and source of passion. And devote your body and soul completely is the true being of Creative Thinking, I suppose.


Love and Peace to the world.


*「SWITCH VOL.36 NO.5 MAY2018 宇多田ヒカル WHERE IS YOUR SWITCH?」(株)スイッチ・パブリッシング

Yamakasa, Kushida Shrine

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