Had a history walk in old castle town of Tsuwano, Shimane prefecture. It is so soothing to go for a drive in Yamaguchi and Shimane country road. The river flows and the greenery of mountains is refreshing, and the brown rooftop tiles of Chugoku region are so beautiful. Feel as if wandering in a fairy tale leaving bustles of a big city behind. When arrived at Tsuwano, we dropped at a homemade soba noodle restaurant and had Tempura Soba and Inari-sushi. Our beloved Inari-sushi of Tsuwano is made by an old lady, the secret of the superb taste is the broth.

Inari-sushi is a light meal of Japan. You can buy them at any convenience store and super market, it is inseparable with our daily life and the sweet and slightly slaty taste is so comforting, wrapping sweet vinegar rice with thinly fried tofu; Aburaage. Ate Inari-sushi innumerable times since kid, but this Inari-sushi of Tsuwano is exceptionally tasty. And I assume it is something to do with the fact that this restaurant is located at the foot of Taikodani Inari Shirne.

Taikodani Inari Shrine was first settled in 1773 by the Tsuwano feudal lord in order to pray for peace and prosperity of the people in the area. It is overlooking the whole Tsuwano castle town and it is understandable that this place functioned as a mental pillar for the people of Tsuwano. Fushimi Inari of Kyoto is the head of this Shrine, and it is counted as the 5 big Inari Shrine of Japan. 1,000 torri are utterly old and intriguing.

Inari Shrine is enshrining foxes, and there are statue of foxes here and there.

From ancient times it is said that Aburaage; thinly fried tofu is foxes’ favorite in Japan. Inari-sushi or Oinarisan is the sushi with thinly fried tofu. And Inari means foxes and it means Aburaage also. It is partly because Inari-sushi and the color of foxes are similar. Foxes inhabit in mountains of Japan from ancient times and they occasionally come down to human dwelling places, and people see them from time to time. And it embodied fox worship and transformed into Inari Shrines.
Foxes are mystifying and they evoke something fearful, people think they represent both holy and evil. In Japanese term there is an expression “bewitched by a fox” when confronting with an odd and mysterious occurrence. And there are many folk tales that “a fox disguised” and did something bad to a man. Lafcadio Hearn; Koizumi Yagumo, the frontier of Japanese folklorist recorded stories of foxes in “Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan”.
狐はどこか謎めいた、畏怖の念を呼び起こし、聖と邪を併せ持つ神秘的な動物とされ、日本語では不可思議な出来事に遭遇したときに「狐につままれる」という表現があります。また「狐が化ける」と言って、狐が人に化けて出て来て悪さをするという民話も多く残っており、日本の民俗学研究の初穂であった、小泉八雲ことラフカディオ・ハーンも”Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan” 邦題「知られぬ日本の面影」の中で書き残しています。
You can see glimpses of old lifestyle of Japan, embracing something intangible and inexplicable as they are and coexist with the ambiguity. Or perhaps, mankind knew that in hearts of humanity it is mixed with something holy and evil, and Japanese used the image and symbol of foxes and taught people the meaning of self-restraint and be wary of others by projecting to Inari Shrines.

Town of Tsuwano, overlooked from Taikodani Inari Shrine. The brown Sekishu Gawara rooftop tiles are picturesque.
Walked in the main street of Tsumwano castle town. Tsuwano is famous for paper dolls. Bought this paper swing of 2 girls folded by chiyogami (origami). Beautiful handiwork is so rejoicing to see.

Also paid a visit to Washibara Hachimangu Shrine, a little distant from the town center. Red torii that often seen in Japanese shrines have many theories regarding its origin. One is that it is originated in “Passover” of Judaism making a house gate red with blood of a lamb as it is written in the Old Testament. And the assumption that the traditional ritual of 2,000 years ago in the Mediterranean Region is remained in the faraway country of Japan is very profound from the viewpoint of anthropology.

Kakuzo Okakura who spread the Japanese esthetics to Western countries in the beginning of 20th century, declaring “Japan is a museum of Asiatic civilization” in his book “The Ideals of the East”. The identity of Japan that took care of culture and civilization from the Eurasian continent with great prudence and categorized and preserved them is the utmost uniqueness. And I do wish that the mindset that pay respect toward something old and historical be cherished and treasured to nurture for the time to come.
Love and Peace.
“The Ideals of the East” Kakuzo Okakura, IBC publishing, 2009
「岡倉天心 朝日評伝選4」大岡信、朝日新聞社、昭和五十年