“The winner of Nobel Prize for Literature 2017 is,,,,,, Kazuo Ishiguro” The moment the words came into ears, my mind got so confused with oddness and I couldn’t grasp the situation at once. Since I was excitedly awaited for the name of Haruki Murakami to be called out proudly while watching the live stream of Royal Swedish Academy. Yes, the name of Kazuo Ishiguro is Japanese, but why not Haruki Murakami???
It was the very moment that the name of Kazuo Ishiguro was vividly carved onto my mind.
Ishiguro was born in Nagasaki and move to England when 5, now that he recognizes himself as English intensely. However, his childhood memories in Nagasaki are surely in himself. He tried to translate the image and the nuances of the memories into a novel before it all vanishes. And he completed a work, “A Pale View of Hills”
イシグロは長崎で生まれ、五歳の時にイギリスへ引っ越してゆき、今はもう彼は自分自身をイギリス人であると強く認識しているそうです。けれども幼少期を過ごした長崎の記憶は確かに彼の中に残っている。そしてその日本に関する記憶と、彼が持ち続けた日本らしさという表象が消えて行かないうちに作品へと昇華させて残しておこうと、”A Pale View of Hills”(日本語表題「遠い山なみの光」)を書きあげました。

He succeeded writing Japanese peculiar enigmatic atmosphere very delicately. Japanese share a spirit valued on ambiguity, and Japan is often described as a mysterious country. We often say things vaguely and our mentality tends to be ambiguous. And it is hard to understand things and Japanese mindset perfectly. The attitude leaves beautiful and at times sad echoes and gives you an acute impression. I think Ishiguro did a great job cutting out one of the Japanese facets sharply.
While reading this book, I was recalling Nagasaki in my heart. I visited there for the first time when 7. Climbed up Mt. Inasa, felt scary for fire-crackers thrown at on Okunchi festival day, and washed my hands with melted ice cream with fountain water at the Peace Park. Conversations at the peak of Mt. Inasa, running foot steps of a girl at a river bank, and subtle descriptions at a ramen noodle shop, all of them in “A Pale View of Hills” directly talked to me and I thought I all knew this, I experienced all of these.
Nagasaki is the only city that was opened to foreign countries in Edo period (1600-1867) when the government was conducting a national isolation policy. Foreign culture and civilization that of Portugal, China, and Holland came in through Nagasaki. And the remains of the culture is still thriving richly in architecture, cuisines, and festivals and so on. As Ishiguro says, it is an exotic, beautiful, and strange city.

I went to Nagasaki Lantern Festival some years ago. It was unbelievably illusionary and stunningly picturesque experience to pay a visit to various Chinese temples one by one on foot at a night of freezing winter.
In a sense, to live means to accept mysteries and unanswered questions, it is days to walk by with enigmatic feelings. It is almost impossible to clarify and simplify everything that happens in your life. The message of Ishiguro is to embrace those enigma and we must live on. And as a Japanese, I’m very proud of Ishiguro for attaining the supreme honor. At the same time, the workings to sublimate our lives at times filled with sadness into something graceful is literature itself, and I keep having attentions toward the art of literature that stands by our hearts silently.