Joy of Lifelong Education

One thing that tortured me in corona pandemic was that libraries were closed and we couldn’t browse books nor borrow ones. It is said that because of PC and smartphone usage, Japanese publishing business is facing a recession. Even though, it is published the biggest number and kind of books in the world every day in Japan. The utilization rate of libraries is the highest among all nations. In Japan we have a sort of addiction term for book lovers as “printed words addict”, aka reading addict. Yes, of course, I’m one of them.

コロナ禍になって辛かったこと。それは図書館が閉まってしまい、本を自由に閲覧したり借りたりが出来なくなったことでした。パソコンやスマホの普及により、日本の出版界は不況にあえいでいると言われて久しいものの、それでも世界で一番多くの書籍(種類も数も)が日々出版されているし、図書館の利用率も世界一です。日本人の中には、文章を読んでいないと落ち着かない「活字中毒」という一種の依存症(?!) のように言われる人が、かなりの割合で存在します。もちろん、私もその一人。

Japan plays a leading role internationally and its position is highly important. However, it might be surprising to know that the percentage of students who enter graduate school is relatively low among developed countries. One reason is that we have a social structure that it doesn’t directly connect to good job nor better income with master’s degree or even Ph.D. Many of Japanese enterprises recruit freshmen right out of college at once and they give training or education for the employees. And teaching posts of college and university are limited and the competition is rather severe.


I have been teaching English for lifelong study after graduated from university, besides translation and interpretation work. I’ve been teaching English conversation for housewives and business English for office workers. Ladies, especially housewives want to learn something to enhance their cultural level, not to deepen academic study. And those ladies who find significance for being cultured are fond of learning. I think this is the foundation of Japanese love of lifelong study.


Japanese love studying and learning. But generally speaking, it means to enjoy “cultural stimulation” rather than deepening technical knowledge. At a facility where I teach English class, there are classes of haiku, water color painting, folk dance, badminton, kimono dressing, Japanese calligraphy, tea ceremony, Korean language, Germany language, history study, and etc.


And all the classes are required to set up inexpensive tuitions fee. Around 5,000 yen per person per month or so. Most of the students are housewives, part-timers, or pensioners. I can tell that the eagerness to learn something as long as your intellectual and physical ability allows means learning something makes your life richer.


Japanese often use an expression, “Study hard!”. Not only to children but to grownups as well. I think western people would say “Enjoy your life!” in stead. The tendency of respecting the serious attitude of studying is something unique of Japanese identity.


There are numerous qualifications regarding vocations, but there are also many people who take other kinds of qualification exams as a part of hobby. English certificates or Chinese character certificate are popular, but there exist flower arrangement certificate, color coordination certificate, UNESCO world heritage certificate, and even housekeeping certificate. It is stunning to know that we have 800 kinds of qualifications and certificates in Japan. And the market is so thriving and lucrative in a sense. It is very characteristic that promoting to study can be a profitable business in Japan.


Foreigners would often say that “Japanese are so smart”. And there is a background for high motivation for learning and studying. I believe that ‘seriousness’ is carved vividly in our genes translated as ‘joy’. You know what? My hobby is also learning and studying!


And please study hard by reading this blog. That’s all for today. Abundant blessings on each one of you!


Fukuoka, Fruits Kingdom

Youngsters, never give in!

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