Hojoki; Kamono Chomei

方丈記、Hojoki, 鴨長明、下鴨神社、鴨川、京都、Shimogamo Shrine, Kamo river, Kyoto literature, Japanese classical literature, 古典文学、バイリンガル、ゆく河の流れは、心の故郷

It’s about classical literature, Kyoto, and the land of Japanese heart for today. I completed reading ‘Hojoki’ by Kamono Chomei (1155-1216) written in 1212. The introduction of the essay goes “Streaming water is ceaseless, yet the water is not the same. Bubbles coming up in corner vanish and appear, they never stay the same.” The lines are adopted for classical Japanese textbook in high school, and many people learn it by heart. Kamono Chomei was born in Shinto priest family of Kyoto, Shimogamo Shrine. Then, I picked up photos of the premises and Kamo River nearby that I visited during my graduate school period in Kyoto.


Prof. Fukuoka Shinichi studied in Kyoto university who admires Kamono Chomei often quotes the lines of ‘Hojoki’ in his essays and explains dynamic equilibrium, the core of being that is sustaining life shifting sleeplessly. A book of Prof. Fukuoka was a smash hit, analyzing the essence of ‘Hojoki’ from the perspective of biologist. Water is the origin of life, and the water never gets stagnant, always running through. That’s nothing but the secret of all creatures great and small. And old Kamono Chomei was seeing evanescent, uncertain, and transient truth there.


Reading along ‘Hojoki’, it is saying nothing is eternal, that reminds me of the melody of the Lamentations of the Old Testament, or the circulating ring of homeostasis. However it is not saying that life is just vacant nor void. It was also written reminiscent beauty of homeland of our heart. One must read classical literature with original script, you can encounter something genuine there.


It is said Kamono Chomei built a shack of 3 meters square, and he had a seclusion life in it. But the description of the interior is stunning. The eaves, turfs, bamboo blind, shelf for offering water and flower for Buddhist alter, paper shield door, picture of Amida, painting of Bosatsu, Buddhist sutra, straws of bracken for night bed, bamboo hanging shelf, 3 cups of tree bark basket, Waka poems, string instrument, written quotes of Buddhism teaching, Koto harp, Biwa harp, Origoto harp, and another harp. The inside of the dwelling harbors this beauty.


And it is sheltered the writer’s rich inner intellectual life. The heart that venerates aesthetic sensitivity, religion, art, and music is here. If one is living closely with these cherished items, the one’s soul will be appeased and fulfilled. And if one also possesses paper, brush, suzuri, and table, the writing will go smooth further and further.


And another favorite part is here. The turf hermitage had a watchman, there were many kids and Kamono Chomei played with them as pals in the fields of mountain, feeling compassion. “Our age is far apart, but they console me just the same.”


Gathering thatch flower, rock pear, propagule, and Japanese parsley. Picking fallen grains and make a structure. When sunny climbing up a peak and overlooking the sky of his hometown, and comforting himself. Praying for Ishima and worshiping stone mountain, going through Awazu, visiting remains of Old SemiUta, going across Tagami river, stopping by a tomb of a warrior. Appreciating cherry blossoms, seeking for colored leaves, bending bracken, picking up nuts, and offering them for a Buddhist statue. Moon from a window, fireflies in a bush, rain of dawn, and a mountain bird hoots.


When I’m reading here, memories of childhood bubble up. Played in fields, gonged a huge bell of a mountain temple, walked in a lonesome bamboo forest, went down by a stream, played house picking wild flowers on a hill, weaved a crown of lotus flower and white clover seeing rapeseed flower in spring. Caught a frog at rice field bank, kept a crawfish that I caught with brother, nursed a sparrow that was fallen on the ground and it was gone before I knew, then felt unease in the evening. The smell of outdoor toilet at grandfather’s house at night, the huge pit. Dug Bamboo shoot in spring, ate loquat fruit in early summer picking from the tree. Garden rock full of moss, trap to hunt a raccoon, and a weasel running away. Like a fountain, memories spring up.


And pondering the time I play with niece and nephew outside. Pick flowers that mother grew in the garden, decorate them at the entrance. Go see cherry blooms at riverside, climb mountain and overlook our hometown, throw in pebbles to a river on a walking path, and play soccer and dodge ball in mother’s garden under the cold dim sky. My heart is also comforted by the little ones.


And like a running stream, vanishing and appearing, I treasure the land of heart that seems everlasting for ever and ever.


*『新訂 方丈記』市古貞次校注、岩波書店、1989年
*『聖書 新改訳』(旧約聖書、哀歌)いのちのことば社、1970年

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