Eating Delight & Life Philosophy

Japanese dishes, Japanese cooking, everyday cooking, 和食、夕ご飯、毎日のご飯、料理大好き、和の器、希望学、ジャパノグラフィー、Japanese pottery, 食べることと人生哲学

Eating is one of the greatest joy in life. No matter how sad, tearful, or gloomy you are, you get hungry. Even having tough time with someone, you become hungry. Therefore, I cook every day standing in the kitchen. Sometimes as a duty, at times making rice ball with steaming rice for bento. Cooking while rushed by time for work, glancing at a clock on the wall now and then.


“Oh boy, my homemade cuisines are the bestest!” saying so to husband after eating out consecutive times. I’m quite conceited, but who cares? And we chit chat silly things every single day. So silly and jolly, neither work as a poison nor medicine, but our heart is filled with supreme spice of the silliest.


I was so into baking quiche lately, and tried out plenty of times. And learned it’s better to use soy milk and cream cheese, rather than milk and pizza cheese. It becomes more solid and mild. When mixing with beaten eggs, soy milk is more likely to get congealed like tofu. Yes, cooking is science. It is so deep and mystical.


Speaking of science, I was reading an English academic thesis and learned that there is a genre of Hope Studies. In the thesis it was argued resilience of a stricken area after experiencing The Great East Japan Earthquake, from the perspective of Hope Studies. And the genre was established in The University of Tokyo. I think I can relate to cooking and hope and write a thesis. The perspective of linking with cooking, enhancing power to survive, and uniting with others is effortless to reach out. I assume I can also argue Japanography in the context of Hope Studies.


The summit of the mountain I’m climbing is so steep and towering, however I made a resolution to have Ph.D in Japanography, and sublimate it into formal academic genre. And now I’m opening up a widow for any possibilities. Trusting my intuition, observing from various angles, obtaining insight, and I desire to absorb every possible genuine value. By taking the procedure, I construct Japanography that is reflected upon my one and only world view.


Associating with a thread to another thread, tying up together and making something new, and I circulate my mind liberatingly. And looking back, for the last summer I was immersed into writing Master’s thesis, but this summer I was so busy for teaching. And I keep on tackling with Japanography, added up further revision for translated English digest version of Master’s thesis. So and so, my every day is consisted of job, studies, and housework.


Or my image is like eating a deliciously baked bread, that on top of dough of playfulness, ingredients of job, studies, and housework are sprinkled. My days are like that. We are alive, and it’s such a waste if we don’t enjoy our life. You ought to be creative to make your time richer. Having the sense that it’s circulating neatly is so nice and joyful.


At this very moment, I am alive, and ones I love are alive. It is nothing but a great miracle. Sublimating tears, agonies, and create something one of a kind. And I’m willing to use my time of life to complete the mission. The simplicity that one can reach out by scraping off unnecessary things can be a heart of Zen, I wonder.


Love and Peace…

Kitakyushu Manga Museum


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