

  1. Kyoto, Gion Pleasure Quarter

    Kyoto, Gion, geisha, Kyoto secret, Kyoto trip, Ukiyoe京都、祇園、京都の秘密、八坂神社、Yasaka Shrine, Sayuri, Memoirs of a Geisha、芸者、舞妓、浮世絵

  2. 200th post! + Kyoto Culture

    Kyoto culture, Kyoto book stores, 京都の本屋、ほんまもん、恵文社、古本屋、Kyoto walk, Kyoto trip, 京都旅、京都散歩、learn Japanese culture

  3. The Love of OTAKU

    otaku, geek, geeky, オタク、オタッキー、otaku spirit, geeky spirit, The Structure of IKI, いきの構造、九鬼周造、Japanese aesthetic, learn Japanese

  4. Moss Studies of Japan

    Moss Studies, Kyoto Moss Garden, 苔、コケ学、侘び寂び、wabi sabi, Moss and tranquility, 静寂、和の文化、苔の魅力、 学問を作る、making a new study genre

  5. Tsuwano History Walk

    津和野、Japanese history, 歴史保存、Tempura soba, お稲荷さん、太皷谷稲成神社、Japanese blogger, バイリンガルブログ、learn Japanese, 日本語

  6. KAWAII, analyze in depth

    kawaii, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ、Japanese pop culture, カワイイ文化、cute, Japanese cutie, 和小物、京都、バイリンガル

  7. Artistic Mind and Healing

    art, creativity, abstract painting, 芸術の力、hot spring、癒し、黒川温泉、坂本善三美術館、アップルパイ、熊本小国、Japanese art, learn Japanese

  8. Kyoto at Night Time

    Kyoto night, Kyoto trip, ancient capital, 京都の夜、京都旅、Kyoto foods, Kyoto eat out, 京都食べ歩き、learn Japanese, 日本語、Japanese culture

  9. Hina Dolls Festival

    Hina Dolls Festival, 雛祭り、木目込み人形, beautiful culture, kimono dolls, 日本語, learn Japanese, girls festival, royal wedding, ancient history

  10. Teatime Traveller

    Westminster Abby, travel the world, good memories, お茶の時間、日本語、learn Japanese, Japanese sweets, light to darkness,ティータイム

  11. Singer Aoyama Sachiko

    蒼山幸子、ねごと、JPOP, music lover, Japan blogger, Highlight, スロウナイト、PANORAMA、パノラマ、日本語、learn Japanese, music power

  12. Farewell, 2021! Hello, 2022!

    レコード大賞、坂口恭平、love and peace, survive through, don't die, live along, 生きよう、にほんご、learning Japanese, JPOP, YOASOBI

  13. Music and the Beauty

    藤巻亮太、桑原あい、jazz pianist, レミオロメン, J-Pop, music lover, Japanese beauty, green tea, 八女茶、Cool Japan, ジャズ、learning Japanese

  14. Yamakasa, Kushida Shrine

    Yamakasa, Japanese fest, UNESCO world heritage, 山笠、ユネスコ世界遺産、博多、にほんご、櫛田神社、Kushida Shrine,日本の歴史、history of Japan

  15. Creativity, Art, and Altruism

    art,芸術の秋, nostalgia, 郷愁、東京の秋、autumn in Tokyo, creative, creativity, artistic, altruistic, にほんご、cool Tokyo, cool Japan

  16. Enchanting Eel Cuisines

    鰻、eels, 食べる喜び、joy of eating, foodie, Japanese cuisine, 清少納言、枕草子、The Pillow Book, Lady Sei Shonagon, うなぎ、博多、にほんご

  17. Hayao Miyazaki Analysis

    Hayao Miyazaki, 宮崎駿, 現代日本学、スタジオジブリ, anime, Totoro, Modern Japanology, となりのトトロ、ラピュタ、トトロ、にほんご、アニメ

  18. Folk Crafts; Onta Ware

    Folk Crafts, hidden treasure, 民芸、民藝運動、日本の歴史、Japanese pottery, 秘境, Beautiful Japan,にほんご、小鹿田焼、和の器、手捻り

  19. Elaborate Culinary Culture

    Japanese food, UNESCO world heritage, Japanese dishes, culinary culture, delicious foods in Japan, foodie, Japanese foodie, 和食、ユネスコ世界遺産、tasty,

  20. Ancient Love; Hyakunin Isshu

    In ancient Japan, a bud of literature was sprout …

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