

  1. Singer Aoyama Sachiko

    蒼山幸子、ねごと、JPOP, music lover, Japan blogger, Highlight, スロウナイト、PANORAMA、パノラマ、日本語、learn Japanese, music power

  2. Japonisme in Paris

    磯崎新、ロートレック、Japanese architecture, Pritzker Architecture Prize、Japonisme, ジャポニズム、learn Japanese, プリツカー賞、日本語、Japan blogger

  3. Creativity Enhances Your Life

    creativity, crochet, knitting, Japanese pottery, 小石原焼、日本語、絵本, learning Japanese, 編み物、創造性、クリエイティブ、さむがりやのスティーナ

  4. Farewell, 2021! Hello, 2022!

    レコード大賞、坂口恭平、love and peace, survive through, don't die, live along, 生きよう、にほんご、learning Japanese, JPOP, YOASOBI

  5. Music and the Beauty

    藤巻亮太、桑原あい、jazz pianist, レミオロメン, J-Pop, music lover, Japanese beauty, green tea, 八女茶、Cool Japan, ジャズ、learning Japanese

  6. Creativity, Art, and Altruism

    art,芸術の秋, nostalgia, 郷愁、東京の秋、autumn in Tokyo, creative, creativity, artistic, altruistic, にほんご、cool Tokyo, cool Japan

  7. Hayao Miyazaki Analysis

    Hayao Miyazaki, 宮崎駿, 現代日本学、スタジオジブリ, anime, Totoro, Modern Japanology, となりのトトロ、ラピュタ、トトロ、にほんご、アニメ

  8. Folk Crafts; Onta Ware

    Folk Crafts, hidden treasure, 民芸、民藝運動、日本の歴史、Japanese pottery, 秘境, Beautiful Japan,にほんご、小鹿田焼、和の器、手捻り

  9. Missing the Piano Night

    Japanese pianist, Akiko Yamamoto, Cool Japan, Ebene, art, craving for live music, power of music, Japan Blog, Japanese Blog, 山本亜希子、ピアニスト、にほんご

  10. 5th anniversary; struggles and rewards

    <at the National Gallery, London ロンドン、ナショナルギャラ…

    • Art

    Artist, Iwasaki Chihiro

    いわさきちひろ 「ロンドン橋がおちる」 1966年 画像データToday, I'd lik…

  11. Daddy’s Character Bento!

    Today, I want to focus on something different. I'…

  12. Blog Logo Design

    Hello. Today, I'm happy to announce that an origi…

  13. Tezuka, the Legend of Manga

    Hello everyone. At University of Iceland, I had a…

  14. Yayoi Kusama, Love and Peace

    (日本語タイトル:生命賛歌、チューリップ/ English title : Hymn of Li…

  15. Origami Workshop

    Hello, how are you doing? Today, changing the per…

  16. Kabuki Actor Ebizo and Yamakasa

    Hello, everyone. Munakata city in Fukuoka prefect…

  17. Manga Culture 5, -life of manga artist-

    (写真は「バクマン。」1巻、3巻 大場つぐみ 原作、小畑健 漫画、ジャンプコミックス、集英社 Th…

  18. Manga Culture 4, -Captain Tsubasa-

    Hi there. I hope you are doing great. I keep writ…

  19. Manga Culture 3, -the long history-

    Hi there! How are you doing? I keep writing about…

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