I first learned the Shosoin in Social Studies class in elementary school. In junior high school, the Shosoin was introduced in a History textbook with a photo. Time went by and I entered graduate school in my mid 40s. Taking very long, and finally I got a chance to witness the Shosoin.

The Shosoin is a bulky wooden repository constructed in mid 8C. located north west of the Great Buddha Hall, Nara Todaiji Temple. Treasury items cherished by Emperor Shomu were placed, commemorated by Empress Komyo. The treasures represent the great culture before Nara Era (6C.~ 8C.) and China Tang Dynasty, highly precious materials in the world.
正倉院 (正倉) は奈良東大寺大仏殿の北西にある木造大倉庫、745年〜752年前後に建造されたもので、聖武天皇の冥福を祈って光明皇后が寄進した聖武天皇遺愛の御物などが収められていた。御物は奈良時代あるいは中国唐代の優れた文化を代表するもので、世界的にも貴重な資料となっている。

It was like a pilgrimage for me that long time dream has come true. Now I’m studying in graduate school in order to establish a new genre of Japanology; Japanography. And Kakuzo Okakura is one of the research objects, Okakura has very strong correlation with Nara.
八世紀以前の日本の宝が納められていた宝物庫が正倉院 (正倉) であり、この場所を訪れることが出来たのは、長年の憧れが叶えられた聖地巡礼の様な経験だった。私はジャパノグラフィーという新しい日本学における表現活動を確立するために、大学院では岡倉天心のことも研究対象としている。そして、岡倉天心と奈良は切っても切れない結びつきがある。
About Japanography
New Japanography
Japanography to the world!

In turbulent period around 1868, there was a massive vandalism against Buddhism, denying ancient history since Asuka Era (6C.) with a slogan ‘leave Asia, enter Europe’. Ancient Buddha statues and art were sold dirt cheap, and temples in Nara and Kyoto were damaged drastically. And what is ironic, those great amount of sold Buddhist arts almost for free were bought by Westerners and they were brought to the West.

In the age one of the persons who contributed to preserve ancient Nara cultural heritage was a Hired Foreigner from America, Fenollosa. He had 21 year old Okakura as a translator and surveyed around old temples and shrines in Nara Kyoto area as academic research. Along the journey, Okakura was hugely blessed to encounter with great numbers of treasures of Japan. It is no exaggeration to say that without Okakura the ancient capitals of Nara and Kyoto wouldn’t have been the same.

Based on the experience, Okakura wrote ‘Japan is a museum of Asiatic civilization’ in ‘The Ideals of the East with Special Reference to the Art of Japan’ first published in the US in 1903. He wrote there is no such country that preserve treasures of Tang Dynasty and Persia crossing over the Silk Road as well as presented treasures made in Japan, keeping remarkably great condition. Young Okakura witnessed them with amazement.
その経験を元に天心は「日本はアジア文明の博物館」という言葉を、アメリカで1903年に発表した ‘The Ideals of the East with Special Reference to the Art of Japan’ (邦題『東洋の理想』)の中で残している。1300年前の唐やペルシャのシルクロードを渡って来た宝物と共に、当時の日本で作られ献上された御物が、当時のままの良好な状態で整理保存されている国は他にないということを、若い感性がつぶさに目撃したのだ。

Japan is the terminal of the Silk Road. Born in a merchant family in Yokohama, Okakura could communicate with foreigners in English easily since little. He had no inferiority complex toward Westerners. Later he moved to the US and contributed to expand the aesthetics of Japan and the East. He introduced the thought of Zennism, and D. T. Suzuki spread the philosophy further, and something good and genuine new Zen was born. Later on Steve Jobs translated Zen and designed iPhone and other gadgets inspired from it. Jobs changed the landscape of the world.
日本はシルクロードの終着点なのだ。横浜の商家に生まれ、幼い頃から外国人と渡り合い英語を自在に話した天心は、西洋人に対する劣等感が全くなかった。そして後にアメリカで、天心は東洋や日本の美意識を広めてゆく働きをした。天心が紹介した禅の思想は、鈴木大拙がより噛み砕いてゆくことで、Zenという新しい何か善きものが生まれ、スティーブ・ジョブズはその Zen なるものを翻案してiPhone などのガジェットをデザインして、世界の風景を塗り替えて行った。

Went along the main path to the Great Buddha merrily filled with thousands of tourists from the world, reached at Nigatsu Doh temple and took a big curve. There I found an air pocket of tranquility. It was like a hidden treasure so dear and intimate like a sweet secret, the atmosphere from the ancient age was still floating around. It may be the spirit and aroma of Heijo Kyo capital transcending over 1,300 years.

I bought a reference book at a vendor in front of the Shosoin. Elderly men whom I talked to informed me that it is opened in spring and fall when the climate is good to have airing. Other than that it is closed up. And the floor is high, so stairs are brought when climbing up. Currently, the ancient treasures are not in it, but in the West and East Treasure House.

There are astonishing kinds of treasures in the Shosoin. A few pictures from Wikipedia.

Treasures in detail. The Shosoin is under control of the Imperial Household Agency.
Walked around Nara end of the year, and still intoxicated with the romanticism of history of Japan, for more than a month.
Love and Peace…
『正倉院』公益財団法人菊葉文化協会 発行
『岡倉天心 朝日評伝選4』大岡信、朝日新聞社、昭和五十年初版
『アートビギナーズコレクション もっと知りたい 東大寺の歴史』筒井寛昭 梶谷亮司 坂東俊彦、東京美術、2010年初版
‘The Ideals of the East with Special Reference to the Art of Japan’ Kakuzo Okakura, IBC Publishing, 2009