Roses reached their peak in May in Japan. I was inspired by many rose pictures on SNS and visited 2 rose gardens this year. Of course, Sakura cherry blossoms are most favored in Japan, but roses are equally special for ladies. There’s a saying that beautiful roses have stings. And including the stings and requiring much attention and care, rose makes its charm even more exquisite. The expression of “like a big bloomed rose” is the ultimate compliment for ladies to flatter the bubbly and gorgeous fineness.
日本では、五月が薔薇の見頃だった。SNSでは多くの人が薔薇の写真をアップしていたことにも誘われて、今年は二箇所の薔薇園へ足を運んだ。日本ではもちろん桜が一番愛好されている花だが、多くの女性達にとって薔薇はとても特別な存在だ。「美しい薔薇には棘がある」という諺の様なものがあり、その棘も含め、とても手がかかって世話が大変なこともあり、だからこそ余計に一層の濃い想い入れを持って愛好される花である。「大輪の薔薇の様な」という表現は女性の華やかで煌びやかな美しさを形容する、最上級の褒め言葉でもある 。

Japanese are incredibly diligent and industrious, able to pay attention to smallest details. This aptitude is the best for producing new rose kind that demands overwhelming amount of energy and perseverance. Hence, there are great numbers and kinds of newly produced roses in Japan. In addition, there are plenty of roses named after female Imperial family, Princess Masako, Princess Michiko, Princess Nagako, Princess Aiko, Princess Kiko, and so on.

Once, I had an opportunity to exchange ideas with a rose breeder, I told her “Sakura belongs to the rose family, doesn’t it ?” Then she taught me that both Sakura and apples are rose family, and if planting apples and roses side by side, they both will have abundant harvest. She was so tasteful and had great aesthetic sense, then she told me “You must have seen many beautiful things.” it was an unexpected comment, but I was so glad to be said so.

Roses are not flowers that bloom in the field. The beauty is not inborn. Unlike Sakura, they are not certain to bloom each year. On the contrary, it requires great amount of care to produce, hard to nurture. By the very reasons, they provoke our envy and stimulate us. And the joy when they finally open big flowers is so rewarding. Watering, giving fertilizer, and dealing with aphids, the efforts and hardships that requires are greater than any other flowers. So and so, if you give a bouquet of roses to a lady, she will be utterly delighted and show you a beautiful smile like a big bloomed rose.

When I was a high school student, “blue rose” represented a dream of impossible, the symbol that something never comes true. However, the technology proceeded drastically and “blue rose” is born to the world. It is not something that evokes our great dilemma and longings anymore.

So beautiful because it’s impossible, stirring since you never get it. The efforts and endeavor are painful in order to make impossible possible. But once you actually get it, you’ll lose all the interest and passions? Dream doesn’t come true easily, and big one is so far to reach. That’s the reason why we pile up painstaking efforts one by one?

But I came to know that “blue rose” was born after having genetic modifications. Humans opened a Box of Pandora? Greeds in human mind are escalating and multiplying radically under the slogan of making impossible possible? I was thinking about roses and now I’m thinking something else. Even though, rose is the symbol of love, and it prays for peace. We all have countless flaws, with sickness, with excruciating pains, with sinful nature harboring inside. Then, rose is the symbol of beautiful dream that pathetic human beings yielded with utmost wisdom and strivings. But its it really so?
All we can do is pray for peace.

Love and Peace…