The other day, I was honored to have a chance to participate in an online gathering of “Ikebana International Panama”. Ikebana Flower Arrangement is the Japanese culture widely loved and practiced in the world, the international association is “Ikebana International”, they have branches all over the world, and Panama branch is hosting this gathering. I, myself is not a practitioner of Ikebana, however I got an opportunity to have a demo of “Ume plum, Sakura, and Origami” introducing 1,000 years of women’s literature, so this time I attended as an observer to learn what it is like.

There were nearly 150 people attending from 37 countries; Canada, Netherland, USA, Jordan, Russia, Spain, UK, India, Japan, Panama, Singapore, and many more. Russian Sumie (Ink Painting) Artist had a presentation of painting and Kyoto Sagagoryu Ikabana Master showed practicing Ikebana. We saw a video each, and exchanged questions and answers. The host of this gathering is Prof. Hasebe. It was filled with warm and welcoming peaceful atmosphere, and it was great privilege to attend the gathering of good people uniting the world with love of Ikebana, Japanese culture, and art.

Prof. Hasebe is Panamanian lady, and when I was first interviewed I shared my studies in graduate school, researching to establish a new genre of Japanology writing and lecturing Japanese culture in Japanese and English bilingual. She congratulated me and encouraged me showing great interest. It was an unexpected gift that the interview turned out to be like a personal coaching giving me tips to spread the studies to the world.

On the gathering, firstly we prayed silently for the victims of earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
Next, the Second Secretary of the Embassy of Panama in Japan made a greeting in Spanish and English, then the president of Ikebana International gave us words. Ikebana culture is shared and spread through the embassies, an official culture of promoting Japan.
It was held in English and Spanish bilingual, and so helpful that Prof. Hasebe switched from English to Spanish one by one. She must be so busy in mind, but welcomed each one’s comment so warmly and gracefully. Her career as a professor of university must be widely relevant, and the atmosphere that she is oozing out is so beautiful. 150 people were attending and at times some people started talking at once, but her class control skill was so smooth and I can learn a lot. Wishing I want to be like her in 20 years.

Russian Sumie Artist is lecturing Sumie in JAPAN HOUSE MOSCOW, she showed us painting plum blossoms on a tree branches. Ume plum is the first to bloom after winter. Explained utensils for Sumie; Suzuri, Gofun, Washi paper, Bunchin, Gansai. Then showed how to paint focusing on paper. A lady from Singapore was asking the difference between Sumie Ink Painting and Chinese Ink painting. Sumie is originally painted by black ink only, expressing subtle nuances of pale and dark. Chinese ink painting is painted with vivid colors and the black ink is so vivid, the lady was explaining. And she was asked if she also practices calligraphy. Sumie and calligraphy are interrelated that the artist also practices it.
ロシアの墨絵画家の方は、JAPAN HOUSE MOSCOW で墨絵を教えたりもされているという方で、梅の枝ぶりを描かれている様を見せてくださった。梅は冬が終わり春一番に咲く花である。硯、胡粉、和紙、文鎮、岩滓など墨絵に必要な道具を説明されて、手元を大写しにして梅を描かれた。質問では中国系と思しきシンガポーリアンの女性に、日本の墨絵と中国の山水画の違いを聞かれていた。墨絵は本来、黒一色だけで色の濃淡を出して微かな柔らかい陰影を出して描くものであり、一方中国では鮮明な色彩で描き、とてもはっきりとした濃い黒い墨で描くとのことだった。また、別の質問で書道もされるのかというものがあったが、墨絵と書道は関係が深いもので、彼女自身も嗜みがあるとのこと。
Kyoto Ikebana Sagagoryu Master talked about The Former Saga Imperial Place Daikakuji Temple, and showed a beautiful picture of the hallway. I also want to visit there someday. The master said he favors traditional Ikebana that remained for centuries in spite of all the sufferings. And showed how to arrange plum branches. I was deeply impressed with the stunning beauty that was far from my prospect. He was explaining the idea of heaven, earth, and man as the basis of Ikebana, the shape of isosceles triangle, and Sansaikaku.

At times it was difficult to communicate in English, but he explained well by drawing and that helped a lot, surrounded by warm and welcoming atmosphere all through. There was a Kakejiku hanging scroll on the back and one asked the meaning of it. “Oh, thank you for noticing! It says fragrant smell form flowers. In ancient times flower represented Ume plum blossoms in Japan, and plum blossoms are so fragrant and spring has come, it is written so.” He was explaining so joyfully.
There were technical questions of how to use Kenzan and Matagi, and it was so delightful to know the attitude of diligent practitioners of Ikebana. And one asked the meaning of arranging branches of green leaves together with plum branches. Green leaves express youth and green leaves before blossoms represent the arrival of spring, he explained.
It was a rejoicing surprise that there are so many people all around the globe who love and practice Ikebana and Sumie culture of Japan that I barely know. It was such a big harvest for me. Also, I was impressed with Prof. Hasebe’s beautiful manner of class control. When I have a presentation, I’ll share 1,000 years of women’s literature, Lady Murasaki and Lady Seishonagon, and I’ll also receive many questions. I want to be well prepared reading thesis and such. Having warm and gentle time uniting the world through Japanese culture was nothing but hope of this turbulent age. I truly appreciate this precious opportunity. Thank you very much.

Love and Peace, we can plant a seed of hope to this world!