March the 3rd is the Festive of Peach. It is Hina Dolls Festival wishing for girls sound growth. Hina Dolls were decorated at a center where I teach English. My students and I stopped by and chatted for a while seeing the dolls saying “so adorable!” “Each one of them has different expression!” and so on. In Japan, you come across Hina Dolls quite often in this time of the year. As of myself, I display Hina Dolls of ancient prince and princess handcrafted by auntie at home office. And I put cotton cloth rabbit Hina Dolls at the exit. I’m surrounded by bliss each time seeing them.

Don’t know the reason why, but it is said that if keep decorating Hina Dolls the girl’s timing of marriage will be distant and it is the custom to put away Hina Dolls right after March the 3rd. But where I live we celebrate Hina Dolls Festival by the lunar calendar, and the dolls are just so adorable, so I keep decorating for a while. Form the ancient period, Hina Dolls are said to be representing a wedding banquet of an emperor and an empress at the Kyoto Imperial Palace.
Here I want to share handcrafted Hina Dolls at an exhibition some years ago.

When I was a kid, parents displayed seven steps of Hina Dolls at an alcove and celebrated with Chirashi Sushi and clam soup for me, or childhood friends got together and enjoyed a feast. Back then, there wasn’t much of entertainment so Hina Dolls Festival was once a year bubbly and cheery celebration. When the time of peach blossoms blooming, I used to go to the alcove where Hina Dolls are and gazing at each one of the dolls.

I don’t know why but I wasn’t dreaming of becoming the princess, I was more intrigued to Sannin-Kanjo of 3 caretaker ladies or Gonin-Bayashi of 5 boys music band. And surprisingly enough, my most favorite that I loved so much was the cow carriage. Can you see it on the second picture left bottom? Presumably, uncle used to keep a pet cow and I loved playing at the cow barn feeding it straws, maybe that’s the reason why.

All these Hina Dolls are crafted with kimono silk cloth. And studying them one by one, you’ll come to feel so affectionate. Hina Dolls Festival praying for girls happiness and ladies who favor crafting these beautiful dolls. The tradition supported by the immaculate, delicate, and warm spirit is brimming with love.

I think culture is the history of handcrafted tradition piling up things one by one taking overwhelmingly long period of time. There are prayers of making things with all one’s heart wishing to pass on to the future generations. Witnessing the current enormous violent and military power shaking the world drastically, I feel strong rage toward the self-righteous obsessive greed destroying cultures that was passed on from generation to generation. Once it is demolished, it is unable to remake something exactly the same. However, I believe it is important not to blow off the light of culture. What I can do, I promote the enchanting culture of Hina Dolls Festival of Japan from the Heian period of 8th century that is entrancing, delightful, and utterly beautiful.

The world climate is turbulent, though it is crucial for each one of us to calm down, be kind to one another, choose good words, find laughter in smallest things, and pray and act for peace. In the history of human beings, there have been countless catastrophic crisis one after another and we survived through and recovered from the damage with resilience and power of life. Like turning light in the darkest place, each one of us can do something. We are not powerless indeed. We can protect peace, embrace one another, and pass on the mesmerizing culture.
The top picture was taken at a brewery since 1790. We were welcomed with Amazake and invited inside. They showed me the lovely Hina Dolls of more than a century old. I was wrapped with warmth. And the beautifully aged Japanese architecture was one of a kind. Felt as if the Hina Dolls smiled at me charmingly.

Love and Peace to the world. Let’s keep praying with all our heart.