Christmas Market & Asia Art

博多クリスマスマーケット、福岡アジア美術館、アジアの芸術、Hakata Christmas Market, Asian Art, Fukuoka Asia Museum、ジャパノグラフィー、バイリンガル、シンガポール、マレー語、マレーシア語

Went to Christmas Market held in front of Hakata Station, and bought adorable Matreshka. The local artisans are making each. The love of Kawaii, finding compassion and joy in it is something universal.


The expression of Matreshka has changed drastically since 1980’s. Current faces are Anime oriented. These vintage Matreshka, I received from mother when I got married. When little, I opened it and took one out and shut it up, repeating that so busily, so nostalgic.


After shopping in Hakata City, I went to Fukuoka Asia Museum by subway. And contemplated about creating art, while appreciating and analyzing each work of Asian artists. Each one’s life story was intertwining and resonating one another.


The agony, pain, and injustice of life. Each one of us wrap the wounds with hands and try to soothe the excruciating sufferings. Later on, the hands come to heal and cover others pains also. There was primitive affliction and screaming. There was explosive energy that can only be rescued by expressing something, way before reaching out sophistication. It was distinctively different from Western Academia art that has progressed with mighty power of authority on the back. Accompanying physical and raw dynamism, as a personal product of Asian Art.


Watched a short film, history of Singapore. Malay that I majored in university was pleasing to ears. The origin of Singapore is coming from Singa (lion) + pura (capital) in Malay. And Merlion of Singapore originates there. Feel proud that I studied the history. At a shabby campus of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, I took the summer intensive course sacrificing vacation. Prof. Nomura Tohru lectured us with a book of ‘History of Malaysia’ that he translated, such a privilege it was. From the ground outside, echos of practicing American Football was overheard.

シンガポールの歴史についてのショートフィルムを観た。大学時代に専攻したマレー語が耳に懐かしい。シンガポールの語源は、マレー語ではSinga (ライオン) + pura (都)で、シンガポール名物のマーライオンはそのことに由来している。そしてその歴史的な物語を学び知っていることが誇らしい。東京外大の西ヶ原オンボロ校舎で受けた夏休み返上の集中講義、野村亨先生が翻訳された『マレーシアの歴史』を教科書にして、野村先生から直接学べたことは、本当に贅沢なことだった。外のグラウンドからは、アメフト練習のかけ声が響いていたことを覚えている。

While watching the Malay film reading subtitles, I noticed minor difference or omitted parts. It was rejoicing that I could recognize. A language is an open window for different culture. Certain thing is possible to express in certain language. Some color, some scent are peculiar to the certain language.


Malay is the language that I can recall with physicality. Home-staying in a fisherman’s village, Malaysian speech contest script that Malaysian friend corrected for me, Malay cooking that we made then, Malaysian restaurant in Shinohkubo that I repeatedly visited, Malaysian drama for university festival, all these elements are components of memory regarding Malay.


In the world, there are words impossible to translate. Dictionary wise, English “all righty” and Japanese “wakattayo” and Malay “OK lah” are the same. However, each texture is slightly different. Hence, learning foreign language is studying different culture, there we inevitably pay a respect toward the culture, that enable us to become more humble. I was associating such things watching the short film.

翻訳できない世界の言葉というものは確かにあって、英語の “all righty” と日本語の「分かったよ」とマレー語の “OK lah” は辞書的には同意義だけれど、少しずつ微妙に違う手触りがあるのだ。だから他言語を学ぶということは、異文化を学ぶことで、異文化に対して敬意を払い、私たちが謙虚になれることにつながってゆく。このショートフィルムを観ていて、そんなことを考えていた。

In Fukuoka Asia Museum, there is a cafe beside a library. It’s free to read various kinds of art catalogues and books. My favorite spot, so lovely.


Love and peace.


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