Went to Tokyo to attend seminar of the graduate school. And after the seminar, I paid a visit to ‘Black Jack Exhibit’ held at Roppongi Hills. ‘Black Jack’ was manga series published in ‘Shukan Shounen Champion’, weekly boys manga magazine from 1973 to 1983. It was the first-ever genuine medical manga in the world created by Osamu Tezuka, who was also a licensed medical doctor.
*Also wrote an article of ‘Black Jack’, about a lecture I gave in University of Iceland in 2019. Please read it from here. 『ブラックジャック』については、2019年にアイスランド大学にて講義をした記事を書いているので、良かったらこちらもご一読を。
Tezuka, the Legend of Manga

The venue, 52nd floor of Roppongi Hills is stunning. Overlooking the spectacular night view highlighting Tokyo Tower.

Panels and lines from the manga were exhibited. Taking photos with excitement.

The place was so refined, beyond imagination when Dr. Tezuka was creating ‘Black Jack’ for boy readers. I read through more than 500 pieces of manga scripts one by one, taking good time. (no photography for the originals) And there was a medical license of Dr. Tezuka, stamped ‘crossed out’ with red.

Original scripts redrawn with white-out countless times, trace of black ink, glued printed lines on pencil writing, I observed them one by one. The madness of the manga studio, the muddy and struggling handmade works came closer and closer. And Dr. Tezuka asked boy readers the meaning of life, justice, and love. Seriously and honestly, with direct and indirect way. Then little ones received them with all their might.

It is no good to underestimate kids. Little ones hate depreciation from grownups. They trust adults who confront with them sincerely, and kids try their best to answer. And they grow up with the foundation nurtured in the early age, and they complete each one of their work.

Decades ago, manga was considered to be amazement for children. However, Dr. Tezuka never disregarded kids, never looking down on them. And readers of Black Jack and viewers of the anime grew up.

In the time ‘Black Jack’ was drawn, Japan was experiencing the period of high economic growth, and the society was surrounded with issues of pollutions and environment, and the wounds of the World WarⅡwere not completely healed. Alarming situation it was in.

Under the circumstance, Dr. Tezuka never whitewashed deceptions, hypocrisies, lies, and covering own back of adults. But also, he drew genuine tenderness, sincerity, and love that never shows off to others. Dr. Tezuka was believing in his young readers more than anyone.

Tezuka never thought ‘It’s too difficult for you to figure out.’ but instead, he asked ‘What do you think? How will you make efforts to act on the situation?’ and he went on ‘It is nothing but your responsibility to tackle with your life earnestly, right?’. Questioned so with all his strength and all his heart.

There was only one kiss scene of Black Jack, then tears dropped from my eyes. For young boys who don’t know love yet, Tezuka was teaching the bitterness, sorrows, and delight of life that they will come along in their life journey.

Pinoko is adorable. Her love and dedication to Black Jack is heart-warming. Thanks to Pinoko’s kawaii atmosphere, the theme of the manga that inclines to be dark is softened with sense of humor and loveliness.

The lines ‘If you save a life and if you change the person’s life, you might change the history.’, regarding work of health care workers is encouraging for many. And ‘Doctors don’t cure patients. We help people to cure. The one who cures is the patient, the might of the patient.’ is truthful as well.
医療者の仕事について「もし人のいのちを救って その人の人生を変えたなら もしかしたら歴史だって変わるかもしれないだろう」という言葉は、多くの人を励ます言葉だ。そして、「医者は人をなおすんじゃない 人をなおす手伝いをするだけだ なおすのは・・・本人なんだ 本人の気力なんだぞ」という言葉も。
Each one of our work is connecting and supporting one another. We are helping and giving influence each other in some way. And the society is raising children. And more than anything, little ones are watching grownups. For kids and young people, Dr. Tezuka worked vigorously, from the bonebreaking workplace with struggles and pains. Now that he became a legend and he is still guiding us the direction.
Love and Peace…