Artistic Mind and Healing

art, creativity, abstract painting, 芸術の力、hot spring、癒し、黒川温泉、坂本善三美術館、アップルパイ、熊本小国、Japanese art, learn Japanese

Writing Cool Japan Blog for years, and I was striving to promote and share the depth of Japanese culture. In the meanwhile, there was a drastic news that former prime minster of Japan was assassinated ran around the globe this July. I was affected by the craziness of the shaking world, and days of unease continued for a while. However, I’m determined to write things that emit light in this dark despair age.


On a day of summer vacation, we visited Sakamoto Zenzo Museum of Art in Oguni, Kumamoto, in the deep mountain area of Mt. Aso. This beautiful museum is reconstruction of a Japanese housing that was built in 1872. The floor is tatami mat that you go in taking off the shoes. You can directly sit down on the floor and confront with the paintings examining your feelings taking good time. (You can take photos of the building but not art works.)



I thought two pictures below were especially interesting and intriguing.

私は「形 1965」と「作品82 1982」がことさら面白いと思った。

By gazing in this work, I feel as if I fall into a well. And by falling, the time and shape distorts and transforms and I step into 4 dimensional world, completely absorbed into the wonder. And in the different world I thought I can once again see my late father now in heaven.

「形 1965」は深い井戸に落ちて行くような、落ちて行く途中で時間と空間がゆがんで四次元の世界へと迷い込んで行くような、不思議さに吸い込まれて行くかのようだった。そしてその異世界では、天に召された父とまた再会を果たせるかのような気がしてくる。

This work made me feel that I was standing in a red-light district of Yoshiwara in the Edo period. I can see there is a high rank courtesan, Oiran. I know that she is there, but too glittering and I can’t really see, so that yearning and interest escalates. I feel like I’m reaching out my arm to touch the figure.

「作品82 1982」は江戸時代の吉原の遊郭の前に立っていて、向こう側に花魁がいて、確かに居ることは分かるのだけれど、眩しくてその姿を直に見ることは出来ないような、それでも憧れと興味は募り、手を伸ばしたくなるような気持ちになった。

In the exhibition hall, there are introduced small essays of elementary school kids who appreciated the works. For one work that is ink black and slightly bumpy, one boy wrote “This is mind when tiding things up, thinking where to put things.” He wrote what he felt purely. There were sketch books for each of the work and you can leave your impressions freely. We talked this or that and I left some words also.


In art university, students are taught strictly to see genuine works, go visit to see the object like 100 times, and observe each of them as if tracing with eyes, and taught to ponder over again and again.


But I must confess here. I was not interested in abstract works at all. I couldn’t understand the meanings, and to be more frank, I used to believe that there doesn’t exist any high values. But I noticed the viewpoint was totally different. For example, you see rain drops splashing on a window somehow beautiful when raining and gaze into it. The act of gazing into, by doing so your mind is reflected upon like a mirror, and appreciate the inner mind is the core value. I came to grasp the meaning of art.


I came to comprehend that there is no proper manner to appreciate art from the beginning. It is an exchange between artists and appreciators beyond time and place, it is singing of a free song liberating our minds. The time relishing this discovery somewhere deep in myself was so rich and bountiful.


Next by the museum, there was a shrine and ancient cedar trees were wrapped with mystic atmosphere. It was drizzling and special sentiment was there.


I often think that Japan is more beautiful in countryside than famous and popular landmarks, in those countryside it is preserved genuinely ravishing things as they are.


Along the way, we dropped at “Ringo to Budou no Ki” in Asakura, Fukuoka. Enjoyed utterly delicious summer veggie and bacon tomato sauce pasta, and apple pie with iced tea.


Then extended ourselves to go to Kurokawa Hot Spring Resort and soaked in the good bath. In the open air bath, there was nobody other than myself. Looked up the sky and trees, listened intently to the chirping of woodpeckers. It was sheerly a gorgeous time.


It might be true that the world is getting insane. In order to keep our sanity, it is meaningful to create art works by using your hands diligently, and to appreciate art. Enjoy art freely amusing yourself, and observe the beauty of art by stepping back, the act of “art therapy” helps us to keep our mental balance. Music is also good. Each one of us all have power to heal ourselves. This is despair age and something discouraging and gloomy is rampant. But we must keep in our mind and never forget that we have power to rescue ourselves from drowning. We are not that powerless at all.


Love and Peace.

・坂本善三 編集:坂本善三美術館 1995 (図録)

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