My Literature, Japanography

夏目漱石、文学論、ジャパノグラフィー®︎、バイリンガル、九州国立博物館、Japanography, 自分の文学を作る、夏目狂セリ、倫敦、日本近代文学、ジョン・キーツ、浪漫派, Soseki Natsume, John Keats

<The picture was at Special Exhibition in Kyushu National Museum in January. 写真は新春に九州国立博物館の特別展にて撮ってきたもの>

Day after day, it is severely cold this winter. Spring is so far, young leaves are yet to sprout with richness of fresh green. In the season of severeness, it is time to grow thin and numerous roots down below the earth. This soundless, colorless winter, it seems everything stops and staggers. Nevertheless, it is precious time of the year that is preparing for overflowing joy of spring when birds sing along and butterflies dance around.


Speaking of myself, I’m not stagnant nor motionless. Blown up harshly by the north wind on my usual walking path, annoyed with cold rash. But in my room I keep warm, stick with stove and reading all sorts of books, google and reach out good source, journaling good content of thesis that are relevant to my studies, and jotting down the mariner’s compass. Visiting various places, meeting with people and having talks that are quite profound, and keep on challenging. And adjusting the direction and given hints by youngsters at work, and contemplating the ocean route of Japanography.


However, the voyage of creating my own literature is surrounded with thick fogs and mists and always hazy. I must find hits and connect them to make a path. At a time like this, it is wise to learn from Natsume Soseki (1867-1916) whom I admire from the bottom of my heart. Natsume studied in gloomy London before contributing to the establishment of Japanese modern literature. He completed a deadly battle fighting against English and English literature. It was a miserable battle, but he grabbed supreme rewards. They were notebooks he kept, and later with the content he asked the world.

とは言え、自分で自分の文学を作る道は五里霧中で、ぼんやりと霞がかっている。そんな中でもヒントを探し、ヒントを繋げて行くしかない。そんな時は、心から尊敬申し上げる夏目漱石先生 (1867-1916) から学ぶのが良い。それは、日本近代文学の確立に寄与する前のこと。あの陰鬱な倫敦 (ロンドン) で漱石になる前の夏目金之助様が、英語と英文学と三つ巴になりながら死闘を繰り広げ、そんな中で掴み取ってきたもの。それは自分が作った自分の為の、そして広く世に問うためのノートだった。

In the introduction of his book of literature theory, he wrote. “I made a pledge to reach out the ultimate reason for why literature is necessary to be born in the world, why it develops, and why it goes decadent.” “With all my might and vigor I bought books and read them through, and underlined and wrote explanatory, and kept notes each time necessary.” “The books I kept with tiny words reached out about 18 cm high. I brought these notebooks back to Japan as the only treasure I collected.”


It was the only brain of himself, that singlehandedly attempted the grandeur project reaching out the core mystery of the literature of mankind. And he was weaponless, being so naive and so sincere. It could have been inevitable that he was reported to Japanese government saying “Natsume got insane.” He got overly hurt and torn apart, had to face with disgrace. In spite of the wretched experience, the notebooks he made turned to be the greatest award of gems he attained that nobody could steal.


What I’m carrying on is making Japanography and spreading it out as research activity, and practicing Japanography by writing this blog. It’s a dual wheel project. I desire to sublimate Japanography into a genre of Japanology, and attain Ph. D. Hence, I’m preparing for it and reading thesis that are linking with the theme. I dare not practice studies that can see the result before tackling. And in the field of Humanities thesis that are genuinely original and worthy are absolutely few. I complain toward studies of others in my mind, and make a path of my own.


Natsume quoted poems of John Keats (1795-1821) one of Romantic poets time again. The love of Keats that perished at the age of 25, was in the extreme of pleasure and torments. The genius of Keats that transformed his love into his literature is still utterly fresh and vivid, breathing in between words and rhythm by rhyming elegantly. The affectionate love to his lover Fanny Brawne is still beating, and it is the miracle of literature. Keats succeeded in carving his love eternally.

漱石はまた『文学論』の中で、英国浪漫派の詩人ジョン・キーツ (1795-1821) の詩を何度も引用している。二十五歳で夭逝したキーツの愛は、喜びと苦悩の極北にあった。その愛を詩にしたキーツの天才性は今でも驚くほど新鮮に、言葉と言葉の間のリズムと韻の中に生きている。恋人ファニー・ブラウンへの愛もまだそこに脈打ち生きづいているのは、文学という営みの持つ奇蹟だろう。キーツはその愛を永遠に刻むことに成功したのだ。

I read short verses of Keats, yet this time I read out loud long pieces such as ‘The Eve of St Agnes’ and by repeating again and again, I came to be able to see the beautiful picture that Keats drew inside. And I came to understand. The wandering soul of Natsume was hugged and embraced by poems of Keats, and he was healed with compassion. In sum, Natsue declares that literature is yielded in the torment of love and it is the working to sublimate into something higher.

キーツが書いた短い詩は読んでいたけれど、これまで軽く流していた作品、例えば ‘The Eve of St Agnes’ を、何度も反復して声に出して読んでいたら、そこに描かれた美しい絵が見えてくる様になった。そして分かった。漱石の魂も倫敦の地で、キーツの詩に抱きとめられ、癒され慰められたのだと。極言すると漱石は、文学は愛の苦悩から生まれ、その情動をより高等なものに昇華させる営みだと言っている。

One is born, passes the baton of life, and new life is born, and life remains after one passing away. The notion of love is vast and dignified. It changes color, shape, and texture depending the angle of light. I’ve also spent long long time for contemplating about love of all shapes and sizes since small. And no objection to the theory of Natsume.


Love and Peace…

*『文学論』夏目漱石、1907年初版、Google Books より
* ‘So Bright and Delicate Love Letters and Poems of John Keats to Fanny Brawne’ Jone Keats, Penguin Classics, 2009

Calligraphy for Fun

Hojoki; Kamono Chomei

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