Secret of Japanese Art

Japanese eroticism、浮世絵、Japanese art, secrecy, 官能の歴史、learn Japanese, Ukiyoe, Japanese Culture, 日本語、バイリンガル

For the last 2 months, I’ve been studying outline of Japanese art history from 8th century to 17th century ranging over 1,000 years. I was studying rather attentively and diligently writing down on a notebook and watching movies. The affluent world of songs, dances, and stories was there. By going through the path, I found plenty of interesting sights and I want to share the enchantment of Japanese culture not only with literature lovers but with Japanese culture lovers in general. The theme of this article is the manners of Japanese eroticism.


In the ancient times of 8th century of Japan, love affairs were perceived magnanimously and generously, it was considered human sexual intercourses would give power and life to plants and free sexual exchanges were permitted. Men and women gathered up at mountains and beaches and they exchanged poems and danced together. It was called Utagaki and it is intriguing that those poems are recorded and remained.


“I intercourse with someone’s wife, to my wife you can approach”

「人妻に 我も交じらむ 我が妻に 人も言問へ」

In Manyoshu, the Japanese oldest poetry compilation completed around 759, a poem expressing the line above is included. It is the record of so-called wild party. In this day and age young men and women gather up and have a drinking party and sing karaoke or dance together, later on they vanish to somewhere else. I is interesting that those gatherings are repeatedly thrown historically for more than 1,000 years.

という言葉を含む歌が万葉集(759年ごろ完成 巻九・一七五九番歌)に収められている。つまりはこれは所謂乱行パーティーの記録である。今でも若い男女がコンパをしたりカラオケで歌ったり踊ったりして、その後に連れ立ってどこぞかへ消えてゆくことがあるが、一千年以上も歴史的に繰り返されているのだと思うと面白い。

As times descended, Japanese culture that refined and purified the aesthetics of love romance as something utter importance came to avoid something direct and nurtured Japanese distinctive eroticism that inducing oozing poetic sentiment by refraining from direct expressions. Changing something direct into indirect expressions and projecting the indirect expressions onto another object. The workings of sublimating the inner self is connecting and expanding to literature, music, dance, movie, manga and anime, all sorts of art creation.


It is included many of love poems in Kokin Wakashu (905) of poetry compiled by the order of the emperor. Japanese literature that honors the ancient history is the literature of love romance. In Japan, not only emperor, aristocrats, monks, but also commoners discussed over love and romance so earnestly and intently from the primitive age.

帝の勅命を受けて作られた古今和歌集(905年) などの勅撰和歌集にも、恋心を詠んだものが多く含まれる。悠久の歴史を誇る日本文学は恋の文学だ。日本では古来より、帝や貴族や僧侶のみならず、町人などの庶民に至るまで、熱心に色恋について論じてきた。

Literature transformed into music, dance, Noh, and Kyogen. And the core of the expressions is always love between man and woman. Manyoshu poetry compilation that completed in 8th century, and court literature such as The Tale of Genji in 11th century are filled with agonies and torments of love. Nowadays, pop songs are always singing of love, and it is the inevitable historical consequences.


Zeami the master of Noh establishment wrote “(the beauty of) flower blossoms in secrecy”, it depicts about stage effect, however it also implies sentimental sexiness that makes fruit in secrecy. By disclosure, beauty evaporates.


In Heian era, around 11th century, female entertainers that sing and dance who were also prostitutes appeared. They were traveling singers. (World famous singer Utada Hikaru’s mother Fuji Keiko was a traveling singer that inherited the tradition.) Yoshiwara that was licensed by the Edo government red-light district (1617〜) used to be a basestation of pop culture like entertainment world of nowadays and it was highly attracted. It indicates the history that love romance was heightened to culture. There are many of Ukiyoe wood block prints of sexual intercourses with prostitutes of Yoshiwara, can be seen them on internet or can be bought the books of the Ukiyoe.

平安時代に現れた女性芸能者である歌い舞う遊女や傀儡子(くぐつ)は、旅回りの歌手だったこと(因みに世界的に有名な宇多田ヒカルの母、藤圭子は傀儡子の流れを引き継ぐ旅回りの歌手だった)、江戸幕府 によって公認された遊郭の吉原 (1617〜) が、今で言うような流行の発信地で芸能界のような憧れの世界であったことなども、日本の色恋を文化にまで高めて来た歴史の一端である。遊女との交わりや吉原の様子を描いた浮世絵も多く残されていて、現在でもネットで見れるし、その浮世絵の本を買うことも出来る。

It is Japanese peculiar sensitivity that arose love romance into art, and the history that avoided talking over or dealing with love romance passionately or eloquently, rather than that find excitement in secrecy by capturing hidden eroticism that was spilt off unable to hold up. We have been harboring highly intellectual and sentimental eroticism for over a thousand years.


The cover picture is Ukiyoe “Utamakura Sono Jyu” by Kitagawa Utamaro 1788. The man’s right eye between the hair of the woman tells it all. It is regarded as the master piece of sensual Ukiyoe of Utamaro.

表紙の写真は浮世絵、『歌満くら 其の十』喜多川歌麿/ 1788 (天明 8) 年 女性の鬢の間から細く見える男性のチラリ目が全てを物語る。歌麿が描いた春画の最高傑作と言われる。

Life is short; fall in love


「芸術教養シリーズ9 日本の芸術史 文学上演篇Ⅰ 歌、舞、物語の豊かな世界」矢内賢二 編、芸術学舎、2014

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