The most exciting thing in the midst of COVID crisis is the new project I’m working on with good friend from university, Kayuki Kihara who is a National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter. We are co-producing WASABI Talk™️. (Please have a read for the previous article, “Girls, be ambitions“) We broadcast the programs twice a month. Each time we have a different theme and I host the show speaking English and Japanese with interesting trivia. I’m a teacher and Kayuki is a navigator, producer, director, and in charge of all the editing part.
コロナ禍にあって、この一年で一番ワクワクしていることは、全国通訳案内士である大学時代の友人の木原佳弓妃さんと二人で、WASABI Talk™️を共同制作するという新事業です。(以前の記事、”Girls, be ambitious” を参照されてください。)月に二度の放送をし、毎回違うお題で、私が英語と日本語で為になる小話をするという流れです。私が講師を務め、カユキさんは水先案内人兼プロデューサー兼ディレクターとして編集作業を一手に引き受け、全体を統括してくれています。
Firstly we discuss and decide a theme for each topic. Then I make an English script and Powerpoint slides and design a cover page for advertisement. First program theme was Setsubun, second was Valentine, thirds was Hina Doll Festival, and fourth was Sakura cherry blossoms. Please go check if you are interested!
I wasn’t accustomed to the operations and it required me great amount of energy. However, I’m so glad that I mastered a skill of designing picture images using PC. I’m learning a lot!

In order to make a program, we have an arrangement and a rehearsal each, check how long my talk part takes, check the screen reflection and the back display, check eye movements, outfit, voice, and etc. Kayuki sees through everything with strict standard and her perfectionist manner is in full swing. And all the advice she gives me are so worthy and accurate. For example, it is good to show a paper explaining key English words, or it’s better not to look down to see a scrip, or it helps viewers to see Aya’s Cool Japan Blog board with QR code on the back. By combing Kayuki’s viewpoint and mine together, we are creating good quality product together. And the dynamism is so vibrant.
Among them, it was a big discovery that to have a spotlight so called “actress light” was a great idea. I assume all the people who are making online movies are using the effect of spotlight. Your face looks brighter and you look more beautiful! Ha.
Our potential for creativity is endless, and it is so rejoicing to create something by mixing various ideas. Basically, I’m not much of visual person I’m more words and language oriented type, and I’m better at composing a view of the world by digging up words and contexts deeper and deeper. And I’ve been teaching English for 20 years, I’m a pro when it comes to have a lecture with witty interactions inducing intellectual curiosities.

Even though, teaching English is one of my jobs and I had no idea to make relevant for this blog promoting the charm of Japan in English and Japanese. I wasn’t making the link in myself, but Kayuki noticed a new possibility and proposed me to create a new value together. I feel very grateful for her.
Ever since I started this Aya’s Cool Japan Blog project, I overcame plenty of hardships that I could never ever imagined. Therefore, I was believing that to challenge the world and leave meaningful works was a lonesome journey. I must climb a very high and steep mountain alone. The image is ↑this direction, higher and higher. I used to believe so.
However, it should be all fine to be spontaneous and relaxed. By connecting various point of views, crossing over the boundaries, and collaborating with talented and skilled good hearted people, we can create brighter future. And the direction is like this ← myself → . We connect together, work together, and create together. The globe is round and the globe is one life. And all the people living in the present moment are linking one another in some point. Kayuki taught me the lesson.
And now, the earth is in the critical condition, and there is no time to wait. So, it is the best to have a spirit of helping one another from the place we are standing, and it is the most important assignment we must carry on. Love and Peace to the world. I pray so from the bottom of my heart.